Title: Ch.04 - Excitement
Pairing: Kato/?
Rating: PG-13
Length: Chapter
Genre: Slash, chapter, mystery, first person.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything or anyone related to JE. These are only ideas floating around my head that I decided to write about.
Summary: Shige begins to get strange notes from an anonymous source. He doesn't know if they're a prank, or if they're for real. Most of all though, he has no idea who it is that's leaving the notes for him.
A/N: When I started this fic, there were two people who I definitely knew I didn't want it to be. I wonder if it's very obvious who it definitely isn't. Well, I suppose there are some big hints in here. Maybe? Are they easy to pick up on? I think what happened at the end of the last chapter/beginning of this one is definitely big, lol. There are a few twists as I'm writing. Even though I have a lot planned, some things end up going a little differently. Like the Masuda thing ended up happening a little earlier than I'd planned, but I thought it was a good twist. Well, we'll see how it goes from here. I can't wait to post the next chapter! I'm really enjoying writing it so far ^_^
I felt my body tense as I continued my question, "The other guys were bugging me about something I did and I was wondering if they'd told you about when Ryo snuck up on me, by the food room. When they were joking about me screaming like a girl." I even changed a detail of the story, so that if he had heard it, he would be confused by the detail. I kept my eyes on his face for any signs I might be able to pick up.
Masuda's face turned from curious to amused. "Really? No, they didn't tell me. What about it?" He seemed amused and interested in hearing why I was bringing it up, but suddenly my mind started to buzz. Masuda was too sincere. I was absolutely certain that he couldn't be lying about it, that his face was too open. But that meant something. That was a huge hint.
"I just, was hoping they weren't still talking about it, that's all," I felt myself say, although I felt sort of like my whole body had turned into stone. I could barely think past one thing, I had it narrowed down to four people now. Masuda wasn't the one.
~Day Twelve~
The next morning I was feeling invigorated. I felt a whole new kind of energy flowing through me, because I was just a little bit closer to figuring out who he was. It made me feel smug in a way because I had found out he wasn't Masuda, and I might have possibly done it without him knowing. That would give me my first advantage in the entire situation. I felt like maybe I could get the upper hand at some point. Maybe I could even figure out who he was before he ever knew that I had.
I went in to work with the guys and smiled at every single one of them, although the smile I gave Masuda was a bit bigger than the rest.
"You seem cheerful today," Tegoshi said, smiling in return, as he came to sit beside me. Koyama took a chair on the other side. Ryo, Yamapi, and Masuda were on the other side of the table. Ryo looked at me with raised eyebrows, as if taunting my enthusiasm. Yamapi also smiled back at me, looking pleasant himself. Koyama nudged my shoulder. "I guess you're feeling a bit better then?" I nodded and pulled out my notebook, ready to start working that day.
At one point we were breaking, although Ryo was still pouring over some notes he'd made. There was something they thought could be smoother if only they moved something around, but everyone else thought it would be better to come back at it later. Ryo thought he knew the solution and was trying to hammer the details out of his head. Koyama followed me to another room where there were more comfortable seats. I went to the sofa and he collapsed on it beside me.
"I think I'll take a nap," he said with a smile, and half closed eyes. I smiled myself and leaned my head against the back of the sofa. I couldn't help but think about the fact that Koyama was still a possibility. My best friend out of everyone in the group. What if he was the one? It just seemed so unlikely that I couldn't help but obsess over it. I looked over at him and noticed him looking at me.
"What?" I found myself asking, feeling a little on edge.
"I just noticed you have a new necklace. You've worn the other one for so long, so I was wondering when you got this one. I've never seen it before." I felt my chest twist at the statement. Once again I found myself not only hoping it wasn't Koyama, but also wishing that I could find some way to prove that it wasn't. If I could have talked to anyone in the group about it, Koyama was the one I would go to. I knew I could try and talk to Masuda now, but I didn't trust him not to say something. Even if he didn't mean to, I didn't want to take the chance that something might slip. Koyama was kind of air-headed at times too, but I felt closer to him. I just trusted him more.
"Yeah, it was a gift from someone," I said, reaching up to run my fingers over the metal. I had worn the necklace. I told myself that if I did then maybe he really would reveal himself faster. I also thought it was an attractive necklace, so I didn't mind having it on. But it was like a constant reminder of what was happening. I couldn't even forget for a second if the cool metal was sliding across the skin of my clavicle.
"It looks nice," he responded before closing his eyes completely and turning his head away. Could it really be Koyama? Would he have really acted like that if he was the one who had given me the necklace?
I started thinking that maybe I could try and show it to the other guys, to see what their reaction would be. I didn't smile in satisfaction this time, but instead became dead serious. Taking a small breath, I left Koyama on the couch. I was going to find out who it was. No matter what.
My first target was Tegoshi, who was the closest person in proximity to where I was. I walked closer to him, thinking he would be the easiest to fish a comment out of, without seeming too suspicious. Whatever I did, I couldn't ask about it myself. Then he'd know that I was looking for him to say something. I went to stand by Tegoshi, who was reclining sideways in an armchair. "Hey Shige," he said when he noticed me. "What's up?"
"Nothing. Koyama's taking a nap."
"So you thought you'd come hang out with me?" He smiled as he asked the question, adjusting his position a little so that he was more sitting up than laying down. "What if I was going to take a nap too?"
I smiled despite the nervous knot in my stomach. "Were you?"
Tegoshi looked at me seriously for a moment before smiling. "No, not really. I slept pretty good last night, actually."
I smiled a little more sincerely and moved closer. "That makes one of us then." Reaching up, almost unconsciously, I touched the necklace. Halfway there I realized what I was doing, but didn't move my hand away. It was normal to fiddle with a necklace right?
Tegoshi's eyes followed the movement of my hand, but he didn't say anything immediately, instead looking back up at my face. "So, you didn't sleep well, then?"
"I've had a lot on my mind recently," I responded, wondering what his reaction meant. But was it really not normal to not pay much attention to someone else's jewelry? There was no law that said he had to say something.
"Really?" Tegoshi asked. "It kind of seems like it. You're usually so put together, but you've seemed kind of scattered lately."
"Ah, sorry about that," I said, feeling kind of bad that even Tegoshi was scolding me. "I'll work harder from here on."
"Good," Tegoshi added with a smile, before sinking back into his chair. "I was starting to miss the old Shige."
I would have smiled, but I couldn't, because there was still too much on my mind. I was trying to think if the way him or Koyama had reacted could really mean anything. I excused myself and went to find Yamapi in the hallway, walking towards the room I'd just been in. I stopped to converse with him, trying to pull the same move I had with Tegoshi.
"Is that a new necklace?" He asked, seeming to have just noticed when I started touching it, leaning closer to look at it. "What does the symbol mean?"
I shrugged, thinking that I really should find out. "I'm not sure. It was a gift." Yamapi smiled and nodded, adding that it looked good on me before saying that he was going to collapse on a chair for a while.
Ryo was the only one I hadn't tried yet. I thought he would be the most difficult to pull a compliment from, but maybe I could get something of another reaction. If he noticed the necklace, surely he'd say something about it.
I moved back into the room with the big table where we had been planning. Ryo was sitting there, scratching his head. I went to sit down and looked at him. He looked up and nodded before looking back down. "Gotten anywhere yet?"
He only shook his head in response. Deciding there wasn't any better way I knew of, I started touching the necklace again, hoping that if he looked back up he would notice.
"Maybe you should take a break like everyone else," I suggested, thinking it really was a good idea. Ryo simply looked up at me and frowned. I stood there for a long time, wondering if there was any point in standing there when Ryo was obviously so distracted.
I was about to give up and head back to sit down somewhere when all the sudden Ryo said sharply, "Stop fiddling with that thing."
I jumped a little, surprised by the sudden outburst. I hadn't even been sure he'd noticed me playing with it.
Looking up at me, Ryo raised his eyebrows. "You'll break it for one thing, and for another it's distracting me, and I'm trying to think." His lips tilted up into a small smile, making me think he wasn't as angry as he sounded. But then again, Ryo usually acted a lot more angry than he actually was. I dropped my hand down to my side, letting go of the necklace. Ryo looked back down at the paper, shaking his head a little. After a minute I moved away. Had any of what I'd done meant anything? At the moment I couldn't think of anything that made it clear, but maybe if I could just dig a little deeper, I could figure it out.