Parents, myself, and myselves.

Nov 22, 2005 08:08

Encarta ® World English Dictionary:

im•passe [ím pàss]
(plural im•passes)
1. Block to progress or agreement: a point at which no further progress can be made or agreement reached.
- talks have reached an impasse

Click for long rant/story/reflection )

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Comments 9

floxinotic1018 November 22 2005, 18:28:25 UTC
So why is it no longer fully accurate?

You are so secretive for being so nosy.


aingealfire November 22 2005, 23:59:10 UTC
Dear heaven.. and I thought I was the only one with an overly obsessively anal parent.. mind you I did get pregnant, but wasn't careless until I was 25, and engaged to the guy anyway.

::offers random hugs from the ether and commiseration:: You seem pretty well balanced to me, g'luck with everything.


Hey! faile88 November 30 2005, 03:36:41 UTC
My goodness! This is a lot to read. I'll finish it up in a bit; I'm scrambling around now, trying to get everything done, and I'm so exhausted that the words are blurring when I read them. Just wanted to let you know I'm here! From what I have read, it sounds a lot like you have the same kinds of problems with this as someone I know at my school. I'll get back to this...


anonymous November 30 2005, 20:04:18 UTC
This bothers me a little; your mom has known my mom longer than she's known Nekelele's, and yet she is afraid that... wait, let me find it... "she thinks that teenage hormones would get out of control over at Ivegotanaxe’s home." I know neither her mom or yours would be there, but does she think MY parents would be completely absent? They may be a little more lax about (platonic) physical contact than she is, but they're not going to let anything happen. Not to mention all three of us are considerably more restrained than she gives us credit for. I was not raised to be promiscuous ( ... )


Woops. ivegotanaxe November 30 2005, 20:13:29 UTC
Yeah. That's me. Forgot to log in. Another addendum:

My whole family is essentially liberal repressed Epicopalian. That is, we are liberal, open-minded, and fairly unrestricted about most things... to a point. We are painfully polite in most situations, we don't say offensive things, when something is uncomfortable, we pretend it doesn't exist, and we drop uncomfortable topics with a quickness. We generally don't state topics forcefully, we backpedal if proven to be wrong, we are always diplomatic. All of this, of course, excepts my sister.

The liberal part is the part most people who know us see. My parents are totally fine with we three lying on top of each other, tickling, poking, making off-colour jokes and squashing each other. If anything real started to happen, they would stop it immediately. Gently, but immediately. We aren't accusatory people.

Woo... enough of that; time to eat lunch! *hums* Mmm boy, leftover pasta. *eats*


nekelele_one December 4 2005, 02:22:46 UTC
I'm going to point out again that I would never do such a thing, and that neither would you. Though I do know where they keep the condom.


nekelele_one December 6 2005, 17:24:15 UTC
Good that YOU know. My dad forgets. Or we lose it. Anyway, about half the time there's no condom, which means he comes into my room and steals the one I have, which I always keep in the same place due to my obsessively organized nature, and won't give it back until we find the original. This makes for some funny moments. "Dad, that's MY condom! You can't use it!" Of course, we're so used to calling it that by now that we don't realize how odd it sounds.


ivegotanaxe December 6 2005, 17:26:39 UTC
Oh yeah, that's me. Because I often forget to log in.


nekelele_one December 6 2005, 20:01:50 UTC
Fathers are like that. I think I shall be much better at not cracking up next time it is brought up, now that it is not right after Bob.


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