# 76

Oct 19, 2010 17:16

Hello everyone! Sorry for disappearing, as usual, school keeps me quite busy. And real life being a crap doesn't make me feel very inspired. Anyways, I found some time to make things: a retexture of Nouk's Office hair and a bunch of eyeliners, edited from  mouseyblue  and Dragonmandy. I had quite a lot of fun messing in photoshop drawing them over the original ones, and, even though they are very far from perfection, I am using (and liking) them a lot in game, so I thought someone might have been interested too.

Nouk - mesh
Pooklet - textures and colours (all the natural shades)
Mouseyblue and Dragonmandy

As for the hair, as usual, grey (Pooklet's time bomb) is linked to black.
A note: the swatches I made for the eyeliners suck a lot. I am such a newbie!



Liners! Look at her eyes, please.

I may post some picspam soon! :D

❤ dl;makeup, ❤ dl;genetics

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