
May 03, 2004 21:23

Im in a weird weird mood..things are just weird. Today was kinda fun.let's see..

1st-romeo and juliet- woah, love that movie...Its kinda funny too..

2nd-PE - we ran a mile- Zack beat me..again...

lunch- wonderful..shared a pizza with zack .oh yeah..he's my brother..:-)hehe..talked to mike a bit..ah, he's driving me nuts..well lunch is always fun..i ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

__reject__ May 3 2004, 18:13:12 UTC
Hair did tomorrow!!! oo shiz!


ragedfairy May 3 2004, 19:19:27 UTC
hey guys! always making fun of my ghettoness! im telling you, i cant help it, its only natural! hehe

anyways, brooke, i thought you were supposed to figure this whole thing out today? wat happened yo?? its alright though, you just gotta talk to him!

anyways, cant wait to see your heir did tomorrow!! ^_^


__reject__ May 3 2004, 19:40:33 UTC
our hair is gonna look awesome!


ihaveno_clue May 4 2004, 12:32:03 UTC
cant wait to see u guyses hair tomarrow!! hehe


sup nimrod43 May 4 2004, 17:02:23 UTC
I LOVE YOU GIRLS!! and farah i love the ghetto fab. later days girlies..

-brookie :-)


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