CHEEZES of nazareth! you never realize how fuckin much you change over the years my god i miss infancy
me and my best friend from preschool devon...and of course our first love....LEGOS!
wutta pimp! i wish i was that smooth now.....
argh the pimpyness doesnt at the age of 1; a playboy....who'd uh thunkit?!
and now a pic from the 7th grade....
awwwwww so emo it hurts!
PEACE. more to come soon!
i'm out.
P to the S-
happy valentines everyone! even thought the true meaning doesnt mean
much to anyone anymore. if it did then you guys wouldnt have like a
million valentines! and that goes for same sex valentines too! oh
yea and um.....can someone pleez be my valentine before i explode?!