Title: Prisoner of Love
nimtsu12 Chapter: Seven
Genre: Angst
Pairing: Jaesu
Rate: PG
Summary: “Loving You is A Prison To Me. Although You Bring Tears and Pain, But You Taught Me The Meaning of Love. Still, Nothing Can Break Me Free From Your Prison”
“I think it’s better if you leave Junsu alone” Jaejoong came face to face with Yunho.
Yunho frowned at the statement. “What do you mean by that? Kim Junsu have the right to choose his friends…”
Jaejoong nodded. “Yes, indeed it’s true. He has the right to choose his friend, but I have the right to say who is honestly being his friend” he replied as if mocking Yunho.
“Please don’t disturb us anymore, Junsu live in different world than yours…” added Jaejoong and turned around.
“Did something happen to Junsu?” Yunho questioned him.
Jaejoong stopped and his eyes widen. “That is none of your business…”
“Do you beat him again!?” Yunho yelled once again.
This time, Jaejoong turned around with furious face and storm towards Yunho. “What happen between me and him have nothing to do with you” Jaejoong gritted his teeth as he grasped Yunho’s collar.
“I’m sorry but your action just proves what I said was true…” Yunho smirked and show no sign of afraid towards the guy.
“What do you mean?” frown Jaejoong.
Yunho slapped away Jaejoong’s hand that was grabbing his collar and straighten his clothes. Before he began his word, he walked in circle around Jaejoong. “It’s not that I don’t want to ask, it’s rather I knew Junsu would be afraid to tell me. You think I didn’t realized every time he stepped his feet outside the door, you will follow his lead. Not only that, don’t you know how scared Junsu of you!?” Yunho give Jaejoong a physiology fight.
“The one who cause him to be inside the hospital is you…!” screamed Jaejoong as he held both his palm at his ears didn’t want to hear any more of Yunho’s rambling.
Yunho grinned and lean closer, whispering to Jaejoong. “Do you it was my fault for your fault Junsu-shii is laying at the hospital?”
“Shut up!” scream Jaejoong once again.
“Do you think all those cuts and bruises cause by me? No…you’re the one causing it! You’re the one hurting Junsu! You maniac…!” cursed Yunho who also feel anger raise inside him.
Jaejoong shot him a death glare and stand up straight and charge towards him. “I said shut up….!” he punched Yunho right in his face.
To be continued…
A/N: Cliffhanger :P Yes, I finally was able to update this fanfiction and all my fanfic at mastermindnim acc currently on hold. I hope you guys like this SHORT UPDATE! Please forgive me. Comments are loved!