Title: Carries On Pairing: Sam/Kurt. Summary: AU. Ever since they were children, Sam’s had a trouble with being seen that Kurt’s never had to deal with.
After a while, Kurt figured out what was scaring him so badly. He stopped taking his invisible hand between classes in the corridors. He stopped smiling at him over his books in the library. He stopped talking to him in front of his jock friends. Sam just disappeared more and more because of it.
I always get excited when I see a new fic by you. You just have this way of writing that is so simple and understated, and then slams you right in the gut. This was absolutely beautiful.
“Sometimes I’m scared I’ll never come back,” Sam admitted, quietly.
I was reduced to a puddle on the floor for basically the whole story, but that line got me the most. Just...stunning. This was so simple and beautiful, I feel like I have no words.
Comments 6
Sam just disappeared more and more because of it.
I always get excited when I see a new fic by you. You just have this way of writing that is so simple and understated, and then slams you right in the gut. This was absolutely beautiful.
This was, like always, beautiful in both words and story. ♥
I was reduced to a puddle on the floor for basically the whole story, but that line got me the most. Just...stunning. This was so simple and beautiful, I feel like I have no words.
Phenomenal story & writing. Beautiful job.
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