Title: You Might Need Me (1a/2)
Pairing: Kurt/Sam, most canon S2 pairings.
Rating: PG-13.
Word count: 23,000+ for part one.
Summary: Junior year doesn't go the way Kurt expects. S2 rewrite.
I just want it to be different. The very opposite, actually. )
Comments 3
This is so absolutely fantastic in every way possible. Every scene is plausible and flows perfectly- you've got both Kurt and Sam's characterization downpat and the easygoing chemistry that makes the idea of them so perfect just- well, perfect! Santana and Puck make me happy and you manage to do -everything- that was meant to happen, including mentioning Blaine but keeping him as the three-episode tutor he was only meant to be. This is honestly just so perfect and I could rain praises upon you forever but just- thank you. Seriously- thank you, and I cannot wait to keep reading <3
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