I sort of... want one the same. XD It'd make me smile every morning when I looked in the mirror.
Hens have a new house! It's rectangular with a sliding door on the front of the inside bit, + window, + it's just about big enough to get inside when you're cleaning out. Might still be a bit of a squash to get any more hens in, though. M wants 2 more. We have already picked their names: Agatha + Beryl. Not sure whether to get rescue hens or some pretty ones from a breeder.
Well, we do let them run round the garden most days, so it's not as if they'd spend most of their time crowded into the coop. It's to keep them safe from foxes at night + to make sure they don't make a mess of the flower beds while we're not there to watch them more than anything.
This house has 2 separate egg boxes. We have put sawdust in one + hay in the other to see which they prefer, + bet on this great big chocolate-covered flapjack I brought home. M thinks they will both go in the sawdust, but I think they'll take a nest box each. If they both go in the hay, we shall share the flapjack. Not sure what'll happen if we only get one egg... :-0
Might go looking at castles/to the seaside at the weekend. We shall see.
Is anyone else having trouble with Twitter still? I can read everyone else's tweets, but can't post anything.
'I'm glad I'm a woman, because I don't have to worry about getting men pregnant.'
~Nell Dunn
Edit: Found this little dude sunbathing on the wall of my house this evening: