For starters, here is a picture of our checklist that we wrote on the refrigerator board. XD
Anyway, we left the apartment around 6ish. My idiot boyfriend wanted to get something to eat, but every place except Jack in the Box was serving breakfast only. So we drove around til we got there and didn't get on the freeway until about 6:45 am. I was pissed because we were on the freeway around 7am ON A MONDAY MORNING. I mean, what the hell, DEG?! Why a MONDAY?! But anyway. The toll booth was fucking crazy, as usual. But luckily after that there wasn't too much more traffic. At least not that bad, anyway.
Here's some pictures of the Bay Bridge and SF when we got past the crazy tolls:
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SPH-M56 We got to the Japantown/Hotel Kabuki garage around 8:30 am, made a pitstop, then walked to the Fillmore. It was so awesome how fucking close it was to Jtown. <3 If it wasn't, we probably wouldn't have been able to meet Kaoru and Die. ♥♥♥
Here's a picture of the Fillmore:
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SPH-M56 Woo! We made it! :)
Here are a few pics from waiting in line:
I didn't bother taking a picture of the line. Compared to how long and crazy it was last year, it was kind of pathetic lookin'! lol. Met some nice people that stood behind us in line, though. :D Last year people were just annoying!
So anyway. We stood/sat in line for a couple of hours and then the tour bus arrived at 11am. WOOOO! Honestly I didn't even notice it. I thought it was just a luxury tour bus for rich people, not Dir en grey's TOUR BUS. I was like OMG OMG OMG. So I went with a small group of cool people in the line to wait by the bus stop near the entrance. We took a few pictures when Die and Rick came out for a smoke, LOL.
Here they are:
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SPH-M56 YAY! Yeah, bad pictures, but if you look closely you can see Rick. In the black sweater. Not kidding, he hella looks like Kaoru from behind. .....HAHA FROM BEHIND. *coughs* Um, sorry, still immature. XDDD
Anyway. So we stood out there for a while, saw Die come out for a smoke, Tyler (I think?) walked by and filmed him then shook his hand, blah blah blah. Then we see him and (who we thought was Kaoru at the time) Rick walking across the street. I was like OMG. OMFG. HE'S GOING TO JAPANTOWN!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
So even though it's technically stalking, I went to Jtown and we found our group of awesome people in the line and also asked Die to take a picture.
And voila:
Kaoru better watch out because Die is almost tying him for the #1 spot on my list of who I like best in Dir en grey. slash lame!!!! Yeah, I'm pretty goofy.
Anyway. So we got a picture with him, I sent it to everybody and even Sam to make her jealous (mwahaha x3), blah blah. Then we chilled out for a while, still watching the bus every now and then just to make sure. Went back over there with
jrock_miso, after like 15 mins, went back for like ten seconds to get a sandwich and THEY'RE GONE! D= Asked the security guard and her friends where she went. Security said they ran off chasing someone. Then someone told me it was KAORU. KAORU, MY GOD. THE FUCKING AWESOMEST PERSON IN THE WORLD. I ran across the street.
Tyler (?) went with us and after we ran we were out of breath. Stood by the purikura store and he called
jrock_miso to see where she was. Then I turn around and low and behold, there he was. Kaoru. It was so unreal I almost couldn't speak.
This resulted:
Yah, he blinked, and I was talking or laughing. So we ran back and asked for another one and this resulted:
AHHHH ♥ I love Kaoru~~~~ ~(*o*)~ My god! ♥
LOL, anyway, so yeah. Then we went back and apparently missed Toshiya, but I don't care for Toshiya, so yeah. Didn't care anyway. I got a picture with Kaoru, my all time favorite member of Dir en grey!!!! ♥_♥
So we waited in line... And then they started unloading. Wooo! Pics:
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SPH-M56 Lol. So, yeah. We also saw Shinya walking up the back entrance. He smiled and waved at us. He's so cute. I'm also jealous of how pretty he is. Dx He's a man for darnsake! ~~jealous~~
I'll have you know, I tried to take a picture of Shinya when he was walking up the stairs, but the other girl put her hand up. T_T Oh, well.
So we waited in line the rest of the day. Took some purikura ♥
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HP psc1200 Then they let us in around 7:30pm. YAY! Unfortunately, DeG took a while to get ready... So the concert itself didn't really start until 8:30pm. :/
Pics of me and Shane right before they let us in:
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SPH-M560^^^UPS in the bg lol^^^
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SPH-M560 They opened with Sa Bir. I think they cut out some of the song though, because when I listen to it in my car it is a) way louder, and b) longer. It was still pretty fucking cool though. And I loooooove when they all walk out. They're so fucking cool!!! ~melts~
Setlist (got it from so it probably isn't 100% correct):
Sa Bir
Red Soil
Agitated Screams of Maggots
Repetition of Hatred
Merciless Cult
Stuck Man
Glass Skin
Inconvenient Ideal
Dozing Green
Reiketsu Nariseba
The Final
Gaika Chinmoku ga Nemuru Koro
And pictures from the concert. They're terrible, but at least two of them came out pretty decent for a camera phone!!
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SPH-M56 And lastly, pictures of the shirt, sweatshirt, and CD/DVD that I got signed by Toshiya and Die. I honestly loathed Toshiya but he smiled and after he signed it he said "Thank you~" in a really cute voice, sooo... Yeah. Die is so awesome and cute too. :D ♥
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SPH-M56 All in all, it was a great experience. ♥
But, if I must be completely honest... I was a little disappointed with the concert itself. =( I really expected them to play older songs, but the oldest they played was Obscure. And I thought they played Audience Killer Loop, but... I guess not, according to the setlist. Dx Then I reread their blogs and they mostly played older songs at the LA shows. Fucking LA, I hate that place. T_T
Anyway, there's my report. Enjoy?