Wow, this weekend went by so quickly-I wish it had lasted longer, but it was fun.
I was so glad to be home, I miss my kitties so much!!!
My pretty froo...she's been getting stressed and ripping the fur out nearher tail lately. It's very sad.
And of course, my little Annie, as fat (and vocal) as ever...
My dad's younger brother's family and my grandma came over Thursday for lunch/dinner. It's been about 8 months or so since I swthem, so that was fun, even though Mom and I had to cook and clean like crazy Wedneday night and Thursday before they came. Nando came over to meet them, but he had to eat with his family, and my sister's boyfriend tyler came over too...I really don't like him. But that's a diferent story. I got to make green bean caserole and the mashed potatoes, and help with the turkey, sweet potatoe caserole, and ham. Yummy.
My whole (visiting) family + Tyler-Jennie's bf
Grandma and grandchildren!!
My family + boyfriends, starring TYler and Fernando (of course!)
ALSO, I had people over for the game Saturday, which was fun, but a little dissapointing seeing as how like half the people that said they'd come didn't tell me that they decided not to. And my mom had decided to make dinner for them. That's really frustrating. Alas, those that came had fun. ( I think)
action shot starring all those in attendance
Layney...I think she's a little hungry here!
All the gals...
Nino and Daddy, talking football
All girls-minus Layne, who was sleeping
Layney tired herself out, then again, I guess it is a little boring when you're losing that badly..;)
Yellow, Sara, and I, need I say more?
So cute!
Saturday night, Layne, Fernando, Sara, Stephen Bookholt, and I all went to Snookers for pool. It was a blast-I did.....ok, I guess. I got a few in, so I was happy. Nino and I then hung out at Layney's for a couple hours before going home.
All in all, I enjoyed myself and hope that you guys had fun too!