Цитаты о дизайне интерьеров

Feb 20, 2011 00:44

Три классика говорят о тонкостях дизайна интерьеров:
Any designer who does not appreciate or know about good food is not a very good designer. The planning of a meal and it presentation - the texture, the color, the tastes, the hot and cold temperatures - are the same concerns that affect an environment.
Robert Kime, Architectural Digest
Birds are so much wiser than we! A robin builds a nest for robins. A seagull builds a nest for seagulls. They don't copy each other - or build themselves nests as described in The Birds' Decorating Magazine.
Dorothy Draper, In the Pink
Have nothing in your homes that you do not know to be useful and believe to be beautiful.
William Morris
Они же рассказывают про творческий процесс:
...I couldn't work the way I do if I didn't have a shop. Geoffrey Bennison taught me that you need to be a dealer to be a decorator. It's another interest, cross-fertilization. It's not that I depend on stock, but it does mean that people bring things to me. An entire room could begin with an atmospheric carpet or fabric or object. It feeds something in.
Robert Kime, Architectural Digest
I always think out a problem as clearly as possible, and then act on it. My theory has always been to get started. The moment I get an idea I act upon it. If only people would act on more of their ideas, I am convinced they would lead more interesting lives.
Dorothy Draper, Christian Science Monitor
My work is the embodiment of dreams in one form or another.
William Morris
...что мне особенно понравилось: отрывок, в котором сравнивалось понимание кулинарии и дизайна помещений, взят из издания под названием Architectural digest. Как-то это очень гармонично :)
Цитаты отсюда: http://www.interiordesignquotes.com/authors.html. Там еще есть!

опять тройка, понравилось, про искусство

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