I visited the sign language interpreter, Melanie, yesterday to see if her cats would tolerate me (yes!) and awww, they're so cute - they're purebred Chartreux, and oh my god, their fur is so fluffy and thick - nothing at all like Mira's fur, it's so plushy!
Pretty cats! Including Mira and Zora, sort of. )
Comments 10
Whoa, that brings back memories of inter-railing round Germany in '98! Though mostly they were long distance trains to CZ and Croatia. I miss Germany!
Mira can be very clean and proper, but when she then rolls around in the dust and leafs and whatever else you find on the ground outside... yeah, not so much. *snickers*
Hehe! Aw, Germany misses you, too. *squishes* I wished for a Scotland trip when I'm finished with my diploma, and I'll try to squeeze in a visit with you, how about that? So next year in the early summer or late spring, and I'll refresh my deafblind alphabet, yis? Then at least Germany can come to you! ;-)
Irgendwann mag ich auch ein oder zwei Katzen haben (so richtige stinknormale "Hauskatzen", entweder grau getigert oder schwarz weiß, jawohl). Hunde sind auf Dauer doch was teuer :(
*nickt* Japp, werd ich auch, wenn ich mal ne eigene Wohnung hab (wo Tiere hoffentlich erlaubt sind!). Hunde sind niedlich, aber net so mein Ding - immer Gassi gehen, nee. *faul ist*
Also, class trip porn? *raises eyebrow* Kind of like 'Schulmädchenreport'? *LOL*
not that I ever participated in any of this...
And thankies! Mira is the bestest, loffliest cat that there is, even though she loves to scratch/bite me out of nowhere. Temperamental diva, that she is. *loffs her to bits* Zora is more laid-back but pretty snuggleable - as for the Chartreux ones, they're very, very nosy (Muffin apparently likes ladies' shoes and handbags... *snorts*) and need human companionship. I'm already looking forward to hoovering up their hair every day... *wry grin*
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