Title: Vampire’s Kiss, 5/6?
ninamusingFandom: Heroes
Characters: Bennet/Claude, traces of Bennet/Sandra, Claude/Peter, Claude/various OCs
Rating: Teen
Challenge: written for
brave_new_slash’s Morally Grey November.
Author’s notes: Thanks again to
indyhat for a detailed and encouraging beta.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four (
Part Five )
Comments 19
That was wonderful, as usual.
Ugh, I know how that is! I've got some mental exhaustion myself. I have about four stories in various stages of completion, and I just stare at them for a while.
I do intend to finish it - I've got about half the last (long) chapter written, but life has gotten busy, plus I don't have as many readers for this as I do for my Whofic, so it's gotten a bit backburnered, even though I do want to finish it. September is going to be a nasty month, but I hope to be back on my feet a bit come October.
Thanks again for commenting!
I do intend to finish, and I have about half of the last - very long - chapter drafted. Life, or rather work, got a bit insane last fall and is just now beginning to return to anything approaching normal, and my long Doctor Who fic has tended to take precedence because the person I wrote it for has been so patient so far, but I do have an end in place for Vampire's Kiss. Funny that you asked just now, because last week, I did think, "Wow, I really should just finish that off," although there's one element I'm trying to nuance a bit.
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