Поскольку Рубио тут распинается о том, что у нас есть процесс легальной иммиграции, поэтому нечего всем этим нелегалам потакать, я заинтересовалась историей его семьи, как она оказалась здесь, в Америке.
По его высказываниям я поняла так, что его отец совсем молодым человеком бежал от режима Кастро. Бежал, чувствуете? То есть, был беженцем, да?
Но я, оказывается, была не совсем права. Или совсем не права. Вот, на его сенатском официальном сайте:
My parents came to America from Cuba in 1956.
Какой в это время был режим на Кубе? Правильно, не Кастро, а вовсе даже Батисты, Кастро в конце этого года только-только неудачно приземлился на Кубе:
The yacht Granma arrived in Cuba on December 2, 1956, carrying the Castro brothers and 80 others, even though the yacht was only designed to accommodate 12 people with a maxiumum of 25.[28] The boat landed in Playa Las Coloradas, in the municipality of Niquero, arriving two days later than planned because the boat was heavily loaded, unlike during the practice sailing runs.[29] This dashed any hopes for a coordinated attack with the llano wing of the movement. After arriving and exiting the ship, the band of rebels began to make their way into the Sierra Maestra mountains, a range in southeastern Cuba. Three days after the trek began, Batista's army attacked and killed most of the Granma participants - while the exact number is disputed, no more than twenty of the original eighty-two men survived the initial encounters with the Cuban army and escaped into the Sierra Maestra mountains.
Итак, его родители -- не беженцы от Кастро. В разных местах Рубио путался в показаниях, менял даты прибытия его родителей в Америку (то ли 57-ой, то 58-ой, то ли наконец-то 59-ый), все еще намекая на беженство от коммунистического режима. Но когда Рубио поймали за шаловливую ручонку, ему
пришлось даже оправдываться:
"The dates I have given regarding my family’s history have always been based on my parents’ recollections of events that occurred over 55 years ago and which were relayed to me by them more than two decades after they happened," he wrote on Oct. 20. "I was not made aware of the exact dates until very recently."
Ну ладно, the dates, но по сути-то неужели не рассказывали? Отчего и зачем отец сюда приехал? А, главное, как, на каких легальных основаниях?
Я не могу не согласиться
со следующим заключением:
Instead of fleeing Castro's Cuba, the Rubios came to the United States for "economic opportunity".
Several times during his race for U.S. Senate, Rubio told reporters and voters his parents left Cuba in 1959, suggesting they had fled Castro's rule. In his campaign bio, and later in his official Senate biography, he said his parents "came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover."
Even after he stumbled over dates with a Miami Herald reporter and acknowledged his parents left before the revolution, his official Web bio stayed the same. After two news organizations reported his parents moved to the United States in 1956, his spokesman acknowledged that the bio was wrong. It was updated to say, "Marco was born in Miami in 1971 to Cuban exiles who first arrived in the United States in 1956." That puts everyone in agreement: The original statement is False.
Я же говорю, врут как дышат.