Title: Cold Comfort Author: nine_ten_11th Pairing: Doctor/Master Warnings: oral sex, anal sex, and "Star Wars" references. Summary: My version of their reunion in "The End of Time: Part 1". ( Read on. )
Doctor/Master over breakfast-wonderful! I really, really like this. I mean, I was there, lurking in the shadows watching them get down and dirty... "Tell me you're not livingin a pipe" - love it! I can really hear Ten saying that, in fact all the dialogue was brilliant. I feel so sorry for the Master...
I feel sorry for the Master too (though I feel slightly sorrier for the people he ate). . . :) And thanks for the compliment on the dialogue. I'm a total dialogue-whore; I can't enjoy a piece in which people aren't talking properly.
Comments 17
And thanks for the compliment on the dialogue. I'm a total dialogue-whore; I can't enjoy a piece in which people aren't talking properly.
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