the stars are bright but do they know, the universe is beautiful but cold.

Dec 20, 2015 17:14

I had planned to post about Dublin and U2 and pictures and stories about the crazy 54 hours that made me happier then I've been in a really long time. And I will, I'll get there. Because it deserves it's own post ( Read more... )

grief, josh, loss

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Comments 9

themegs December 21 2015, 04:42:54 UTC
I love you so much. There is no appropriate way to handle this and no time limit on grief. And while it isn't fair to take things out on people the healthy thing is that you recognize that, and it's understandable that you would be quick to react to things or slow to respond to texts. The people who love you understand that right now, and you should be gentle and forgiving toward yourself the way I expect them to be toward you.

I know everything is overwhelming and you probably don't want to talk but please know that I am around if you need to talk. Even if I'm at work or it's Christmas Eve I'll do my best to drop everything if you need.


nini_darko December 23 2015, 03:11:18 UTC
Thank you. I really appreciate it. I go through split seconds thinking I want to talk but then go back to just wanting to watch movies on the couch.


stateless December 21 2015, 05:18:25 UTC
i'm glad you made this post.

my cursor is blinking at me because i don't know what to say. we are here for you. please try to forgive yourself. there is no right or wrong, here.


nini_darko December 23 2015, 03:11:53 UTC
thank you. i'm glad I made it too, actually. that evening it felt like at least for the evening that weight was lifted off my chest.


roads_outgrown December 21 2015, 05:38:43 UTC
I am so sorry, Sandra. You're mourning what was but also what could have been and that is hard and sucks and you should give yourself permission to feel and do whatever you need to. Let me know if I can do anything. You're always welcome here or I can figure out a way to get to you. :)


nini_darko December 23 2015, 03:12:14 UTC
thank you so so much. maybe we can work out some january x-files plans!


shihadchick December 21 2015, 07:55:35 UTC
Oh god, I'm so so sorry, Sandra; that's awful and such a hard thing to be able to comprehend and feel. *so, so so many hugs*


nini_darko December 23 2015, 03:12:40 UTC
thank you and i'm sending so much love and hugs back <3


ragdoll230 December 24 2015, 21:36:16 UTC
I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. *Hugs*


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