Nov 13, 2007 01:48
I have now seen every new episode of Avatar I can. My only regret is that I will probably have to wait a couple of months for something that new to me.
Jul 06, 2007 21:21
My girlfriend, Letha, and I have moved into to south gate apartments. Slowly but surely, everything is getting unpacked.
Jul 06, 2006 02:07
Casablanca booth. I'll be there all weekend and my girlfriend's going topless. Booyah, bitches.
May 19, 2006 16:36
If i could have a super power it would be to shoot billions of gallons of Chicken Tikka Masala out of my fingertips. I would surf around the city on a sled made of chicken tikka like iceman and fight crime with my semispicy red curry.
Of course the city would fucking hate me, three days after I came through and my "sled" started to rot.
May 19, 2006 02:33
Anyone want a whole buch of character sheets?
May 05, 2006 16:45
August 2006, more DVDs to add to my collection.