Title: Silence (Team Castle, Ch. 7)
Characters/pairings: Kate Beckett/Rick Castle
Rating/Warnings: PG
Summary: Sometimes the only thing she wants is to have someone sit with her and say nothing at all.
Spoilers: none
The kids are what get her in the end. Beckett holds it together for three days as they match a body with a few witnesses, a name, a
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Comments 14
I have to say, though, the moment that made me grin widest wasn't to do with the romance, it was the following bit of awesomeness:
> “‘Well,’ not ‘good,’ huh? I like you.”
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There are too many bits to individually pick out that I absolutely adored, but it was spot-on and pitch-perfect. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Also, I'm totally making a Team: Team Castle icon. :D
If you make a Team: Team Castle icon, I will hug it and love it forever! :-D
Also, if you write it, they will come... or read it. You know, whichever.
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Hoping to write more on this series ... we will see. As for "something else"-I have ideas coming out my ears for this fandom, so no worries there.
This is so well rounded that this chapter actually stands as a story all by itself. And I agree with the others, it's a lovely place to leave them as an ending to the Team Castle saga as a whole. If nothing else, it will keep people from poking you for updates :) And then you can start all those *other* things (that we'll poke you about). Heh.
Am hoping to write a resolution, whether a proper chapter or an epilogue, but I want it to come naturally. If it doesn't, that's fine; the happy ending is implied.
Maybe it's time to tackle that Firefly crossover next...
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