arrite, so i just took a ten days trip to tasmania!!! home of the devil ahhaa yea.. i was awesome.. cool effin sights and super cool poeple and i am gonna drop off some pictures in this here space.. so check em out.. koalas beach drunkness(not many cuz they are off my friend's camera) and otehr junk
arrite real quick.. for those who have been on a plane.. this was there version of baggage claim... an effing cart in some garage thing.. it looked like a bowling alley in there
just launceston in nothern tassie
um they eat weirder things than vegamite
city park had monkeys in it!!
this old man was screaming about jesus being ressurected today (it was easter sunday) so i liked him and toko a picture with him 'in the name of jesus'
tassie devil!! insane tiny beast!
my bum ass and a 'roo! they are so freaking cute and friendly
little penguins! only liek 1ft tall!
view from our hostel.. dizzamn
hazards beach.. effin beautiful
me on it.
more hazards..
wineglass effing bay.. so gorgeous
sharlet and i on zee beach =)
one sided asshole wasn't accepting my gestures.
maingon bay - awesome surf and dive spot.. but the swells weren't there today
got to hobart and went to the top of mt. wellington were there was snow and snow fights <3
and koalas!!!!!
and more!!!
and wombats!!
and huge effing trees...
that we can stand up in.. but also sit in..
and waterfalls (horseshoe and russel, repsectively)
and drinking and pool
and our last day with the dude in the other pic. (learning to mountain board)
hm.. maybe we should call this guy for our next 'edventour'