Mar 24, 2009 16:02

'Hello there, My name is Hiroto. I want to tell you guys a story. It's a true story, it's my life story.'
I was about in the senior grade of High school, My mom was never home, She never was home for me and the rest of my family. My dad was a hard worker, he always came home to us, with money. It was me and my brother, and my dad. We waited around at home, pretended to be a normal family, though, mother had always been going out to god knows where. I never got to really enjoy "family" time with mine, my full family that is. I mean, I did have fun with my dad, and brother, but..It wasn't the same as the full "family" time. One day, My dad, woke up having a huge bump on his face, it was big, I went with him to the doctor.
He was diagonosed with cellulitis, a type of skin infection. If he wasn't to get better in three days, he would have to be admitted to the emergency room. I was happy its not a deadly disease, but it's linked to Reye's syndrome, which is lethal..As a day passed, the bump seemed to get bigger, but me and my brother lied that it got abit smaller; and with that, he left to work. Me and my brother sat alone. It was spring break, though we couldn't do anything. We both couldn't drive, we was too young, and didnt have money with us. So we stayed home, I go out to walks occasionally..I like to take walks with my iPod, listening to music, walking, and thinking. My brother stayed home to play videogames, the lazy bum..My dad, he got better, and he was healed, we was all happy again, without mom there. And when I get the time to, I go for walks with my iPod ready, and my favourite pair of shoes.

One time on my walk, I got to meet someone pretty cool. His name was Shou, he lived around where I lived, and said he graduated from my school. He was older than me by a year, and he was interested in the singing career. I thought of him as my role model, he had goals, his family sounded perfect to my ears, a 'mom' and 'dad' to care for him, and a lovely sister at that. I went over his house a couple of times. After a couple of months, we grew closer and closer through the time, we became the best of friends. My dad allowed me to stay over his house for a night, I was so happy. I got to spend more time with Shou. It was really fun, when I left that morning, Shou walked me home, he told..he told me that he loved me. I couldn't believe what I heard, my heart was beating like a rocket about to blast off in my head, I blushed, and then I felt arms around me. He knew about my family, and everything. He didn't feel sympathy for me, he loved me for me, he whispered it in my ear. We both smiled and with that, we became a couple.

It's been about a year now since me and Shou was a couple. I graduated with my high school diploma, and Shou, he got into a singing school not to far from where I live with him. Yeah, we got a house together, and moved in together. My mom finally came home to my dad, and brother. They're happy, together, living in the Tokyo prefecture now, while me and Shou stayed in Kyoto. Shou knew I loved the seasons in Kyoto, they was perfect, and had alot of trees, and flowers. I stayed home all the time, unless Shou took me out somewhere. I wanted to go to work, or college to get money, but Shou said that he made enough money to take of us forever..and he was the one getting the college degree. Which left me at home, alone, with Shou's cat he brought when we moved here, and chores to do. Chores, totally ruin everything, personally I don't like chores, but who does right? It's what you got to do. Since Shou was either at school, or work, I was left alone till it was time to sleep, but sometimes, I wouldn't see Shou for days, months. We got to spend a whole sunday together before, but that was until he got a singing job.

"Shou, do you really love me?" I would ask him.
"Of course I do, Hiroto, Why ask me that? You should know it by now" He would answer.

I sighed, and leaned against him. That's when he would hold me all night till I fall asleep. I would wake up and not see him in the bed next to me, there I would find a note..
"Hiroto, hun, I'm out to work, and school. I love you.
     - Shou"
I would just sigh and lie in bed till I got hungry, or till I had to go to the bathroom. The cat lazily napping against the sun window, where I would watch the stars..with him, when he got to be here, or wasn't too tired from work. I waited, and waited. I had a stash of money, Shou kept for me in the house, since he didnt come home all the time, I went out shopping for things, I would buy things for the house, the cat, and for him; but I never got to give it to him, he'd be gone to long, and i'd forget to give it to him. I lay in the empty bed alone, we shared so much happy times together, where have they gone? I write in my journal every night before I go to bed, I write my thoughts down, and what I did that day. I even put down how long I haven't seen his face..or felt his arms around me..or kissed me..I cry myself to sleep everynight, sometimes when I would wake up, I'd smell a breakfast ready for me in the dining room, and a note beside me. I would read it, and just put it in the box of his notes I kept, I didn't want to waste all that paper..and the time he spent to write those words for me. I rubbed my eyes as they always got teared up, I would feed the cat, eat occisionally and just wait. Like I always did, wait for all the good things to come to me.

I went to wait for him at work one night, I was abit late, but I didn't care, I waited for him outside the concert hall, since I wasn't allowed in. Shou had never invited me to his singing recitals, anything. He'd just tell me about them, and about the songs he wrote. I wrote a song, and I wanted to show it to him, thats why, I was there waiting for him. I waited for a few hours, and he wasn't out yet, but I see the lights turning off inside, I look around as I finally realized, all the cars was gone, even Shou's. I noticed that I got left behind, I started to walk home and it started pouring(rain) on me. I haven't been able to see him for 3 months already. I missed him so much..but I was scared, that he forgot about me. I finally reached home, the cat was sleeping next to note, I rushed to it and picked it up, reading it over and over "oh..he's gone for a few months.." I threw the note with the many others, and I sobbed my heart out right at the kitchen floor, the cat, curled up against my tummy, I petted it to sleep, and smiled lightly. I haven't smiled in a long time..I sat in the bedroom, I let the cat sleep with me today, he curled up in my pillow and was fast asleep. I wrote in my journal that night..

"Why must I always wait?..Why can't I just enjoy the time with him? Why?...I would be a distraction..Why doesn't he come to see me? He's too busy for me.."

I started to cry again, and soon I fell asleep. The next day, I woke up, I was paler than usual..don't ask me why I noticed it, but I just did..I felt sick, there was no one to take care of me but myself..I took care of two lives, me and the cat's life..Shou..he had his own life, and I'm sure he was taking care of himself well..I layed in bed after feeding the cat, but the next day, I found our cat, on the floor, he was gone..He left me, and now I was completely alone. I took care of our cat well, what went wrong? I took him to the vet, and the vet told me he suddenly got a heart attack. I started to cry, the cat, was what kept me smiling for the past few months, without Shou. The vet said his apologies, and I was sent home. I went home to the completely empty house now, I was considering to move back with my family as Shou was away, but they was gone on a trip and I couldn't reach them.

A few more months passed, In my head, I had a thought where Shou was never coming back to me. I never got any letters, texts, calls, anything. Not even a single picture to see how much he has done, how much he cared for me seemed so little. I got up, I should be the day, where Shou would make his last recital for the year. I walked to the concert hall, holding flowers, again I wasn't allowed in, even though, I was Shou's boyfriend; they didn't believe me, they thought was some twisted, sick, obsessed fan. I sat, and waited by what looked like his car. I saw people coming out of the concert hall, crowding around the door, he tried to make it through to see Shou, the fangirls followed in a crowd around Shou, his Shou, I screamed at the top of my lungs to stop, but I just got pushed down by paprazzi, and my flowers, they got smashed, I saw Shou's car drive off, I felt heart broken, I picked up my flowers, and walked home, with my broken flower bouquet. I saw a small, crying little girl in the park alone. I decided to help the poor girl.

"Hey..What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked her.
"My..M..My mom forgot me.." She sniffled out.
I laughed and patted her head handing her the bouquet of flowers "It was a mistake, here, take the nice flowers out, let me stay here with you till your mom comes back okay?" I smiled lightly.
The little girl smiled, and she picked out the nice flowers, giggling "Onii-san, Why are you here alone?"
I smiled lightly "Someone forgot about me too..And I went to go find him, but he..didn't see me, like your mommy"
She smiled and hugged me, "It's okay Onii-san, He'll never forget you, You are really nice, and smell like flowers."
I blinked for abit, and smiled back at her "Yeah, I do? What kind of flower?"
She thought for awhile "A Lily!"
Hiroto laughed and smiled as he recalled the song that Shou wrote 'Lilies that bloom palely' He laughed lightly and she laughed with him. Her mom finally came to pick her up.
"Ah! There you are! I thought I lost you!" She hugged her daughter with love, I smiled at them, and bowed. The little girl waved at me "Bye Onii-chan! Thank you to watching me~" I smiled at her and waved as she was put into her seat, and they drove off. "What a cute child.." Hiroto smiled again, and threw away all the broken flowers. He walked home, he blinked as he sat on the couch, recalling all the times him and Shou had together.

"Hiroto! Oh my! I just got the singing job!" Shou yelled
"Wha! That's great! You can finally become a singer!" I clapped.
Shou kissed Hiroto happily, and they spent the whole night together, celebrating.

"Shou! How was school?" I asked him
"It's sucha drag~ I wish I could've just stayed home with you!" He chuckled, and smiled.
They watched the stars together that night.

Hiroto had alot of memories to recall with him and Shou together, He was happy for that night, He didn't cry himself to sleep that night. And it seemed the next day, will be even greater. But the next day, he was more pale, and he felt feverish. He walked to his doctor that day, He was told to stay overnight, he had his cell just in case Shou would call to finally check up on him. Hiroto also had his journal, he wrote it in, and smiled, crying lightly, and had hopes Shou would hear what happened to him and visit him. It was no luck. A few days passed, and I was healthy, and going home. Where else could I go? I walked home, I was crossing the streets, I see bright lights filling my whole view, I blinked, and jumped out of the way, if I was a second later to reacting, I would have gotten hit by that car. I got up, luckily no one saw, and I walked home.

Few months later..
I was completely pale again, and I just stayed home, waiting for anything from him. I really thought he forgot about me. I filled up 5 journals with my words and tears. I thought it made no sense to do it anymore. I smiled and wrote my final...last..journal entry..

"Shou..I don't know what has happened to us, but If you ever get the chance to read any of my journals..I want you to know that I love you always, and I'll never forget you. Where ever you are, I will be watching over you and I will be your guardian angel.
How much did you change? I look the same, I have some pictures in my journals for you..with me and our cat..and some of old days. Please don't forget me again..I wish I could have seen you one last time, Tell my family I miss them..and that I love them. I'm sorry I did this Shou..I..I just got so sick..and I couldn't live without you..I needed you..but, thats okay, I just hope your career is great, and your doing great. I love you..and..do you still love me? Please..I hope i'm still in your heart, somewhere. You are the only one thats in my heart, and your the only one I love. I love you forever and always, Shou..I wish..I didn't have to be so selfish for what I did..but..if I stayed longer..I wish we couldv'e gotten married..I really wished for that..and thank you for always caring for me, when I needed you. Thank you, and I love you..forever Kazamasa..Kohara..I love you..."

After I wrote that, I remember laying in our bed, with my journals, and your notes. I had tears running down my cheeks, and I was smiling for you. That is where, I was finally in my sleep, where I would never wake up again to see your smile..feel your arms around me..or even feel you kiss me..and I remembered how much I love you.

"Tsk..I knew I got the address wrong..I was one number off..gosh, I hope Hiroto doesn't think I forgot him"
Shou held all the postcards, letters, pictures, and souveniers he sent him as he was gone longer than he expected.Shou finally arrived home, he was ready to propose to Hiroto.
"Hiroto..Hun..? Where are you?"
Shou looked around, his eyes widened as he saw Hiroto's pale, small body on the bed, dead and cold. Shou cried as he held Hiroto in his arms, and he couldn't stop crying, he saw his journals and the box where Hiroto kept his notes him "Y..You dork..You..kept all of t-these?.." Shou saw the smile on Hiroto's face "Hiroto! Wake up..Please! I was about to marry you!..My..letters never reached you..The dumb person I am, I messed up one number in our address! Please! Hiroto...If you can hear me..I love you so much..Please don't go.." Shou knew it was too late for Hiroto to wake up, if only he was home sooner..If only he knew how much pain Hiroto was going through. "I never would wanted to be a singer..If you just told me no!..Hiroto...I love you so much.." After Shou sat in the bed, he spent two days reading Hiroto's journals, looked at all the pictures of his smiling face, and his old cat, the song he wrote for Shou to sing one day to him(but never got to hear Shou sing it), and the pressed flowers Hiroto kept when he would go out. Shou cried and cried for days until Hiroto's body was creamated and the funeral was over. Hiroto was creamated that same day as his funeral, and his beautiful urn that matched his personality sat next to the bed where Shou would sleep each night. Shou still lived in the same house, He got two kittens, he named one after Hiroto. "Hiroto..I will never forget you, and to tell you the truth..All the songs I wrote..I was too shy to tell you that..They was all about you..and I'm sorry I made you wait so long, I love you, and you will never just be a "memory". Your always real to me."

Up in the sky, Hiroto sat, watching over his Shou. He smiled, crying.
"Kazamasa..I always love you, and One day, I hope we can be together again. You will always be real to me also, and I'll never forget you, I love you..so much..Shou.."
Shou walked out to the balcony, smiling up at the sky, as he knew his beautiful Hiroto would always be watching over him, and he was never alone, with his Hiroto there.

Author's note:
Yeah, It might have sucked, but I put my heart into this. Feel free to critisize, and comment. Thank you for reading. ^__^

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