Formation Ino-Shika-Cho! X2

Dec 01, 2007 16:15

Name: Breyzy
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:

When working with others, you tend to be more...
Mature or Immature?: Hnn...I’m honestly more mature, but with immature tendencies. I’m not afraid to joke around (and I find myself joking around a lot more in group situations), but I will get down to business too.
Leader or Follower?: I prefer being the follower, but I always get stuck being a leader. I guess I’ll say leader!
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: I’m more of a realist than anything, but if I had to pick between the two extremes in reality I’m probably slightly more pessimistic. HOWEVER, I’m not against faking being optimistic to make people around me feel good. Sometimes I joke around just to make others laugh. I hate seeing people uncomfortable or upset and if there’s anything I can do to help, I will...despite what I’m thinking inside.
Impulsive or Cautious: Hnn...I tend to be cautious when the matter concerns myself. If it doesn’t really concern me or it’s something I really want to do, I’ll be pretty impulsive about it!
Outgoing or Shy: I’m shy for a total of 10 seconds when I first meet someone, but I find silence really I’ll turn outgoing really quick! And then everyone would be like "Breyzy, shut up."

Scenario Time: Okay, so everyone has met their teammates by now. The following questions will go along with that idea.

What kind of impression would you most like to have of your team even before you start working together? LOLZ, I usually can’t stand teams at first since I’m not much of a teamwork person. I might not mind the team much, but I'd probably dread having to be on one at all!
What role could you see yourself performing in the team (i.e.: strategist, offensive fighter, support, etc.)? I could see myself being an offensive fighter or strategist. Support might be fun, but I’m one of those people who can’t stand still on the sidelines for too long.
Would it be necessary for you and your teammates to get along at all times? Even when you're not on missions? Well, I kind of think teams should get along outside of missions and stuff for the sole benefit of you’ll work better together if you like each other. I'm sure it’s not always necessary, but, hey...if I’m going to be a ninja and taking "life risking" missions all of the time I WANT the people with me to get along. I’d feel safer that way!

Suppose one of your teammates ends up getting captured during a really important mission. There is a debate on whether or not a rescue attempt should be made since it might jeopardize said mission. What would you want to do? I might see why someone would be against saving them, but when it all boils down I’m not going to let a teammate suffer. I’d try my hardest to help them out (even if I was complaining the whole time!).
Reverse scenario time. YOU'RE the unlucky captive. What would you want/expect your teammates to do in that situation? Well, if they want me to ever talk to them again they better come and save me! I guess I would expect them to go on with the mission, but hope that they would help me out deep inside.

Time has passed.
Would you feel that your team was more trouble than it was worth in the long run or that the experience was worth it? You know, as much as I hate teamwork and stuff, if I ended up being put on a team I could identify with, I'd most likely find the experience worth it.
Would the thought of working separately from them on a mission make you feel a bit nervous? Yes. It would take a lot for me to get used to working with my team and once I'd adapted to them, I would be nervous without them there I think.
How would you feel about a lengthier, perhaps even permanent, dissolution of your team? Aww, that would be stinksville...especially if I liked my team. O_O

Is there a particular team in the Naruto-verse that you feel you'd get along with the least? If so...which team would it be and why? There’s a few, honestly! Akatsuki and all of the Sound ones pretty much...and as much as I love Juugo, Suigetsu, and Karin I wouldn’t be able to be a member of Team Snake. Future!Sasuke is so not someone I could follow and they’re all just using each other. If I was forced to be on a team, I’d want to actually feel important to them somehow as I am...not just helping people out for their OWN plans.

Anything else?: Nope! Thank you for taking the time to vote for me. I have no idea who I might get this time. Oh, the mystery! ♥


Name: Yin
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:

When working with others, you tend to be more...
Mature or Immature?: Depends. I probably come across as being rather immature in how naïve I can be about a lot of things, but in group settings where work has to be done I usually just try to get through all of my responsibilities as best I can. I'm probably much more mature IN a group than when I'm on my own, at least.
Leader or Follower?: More of a follower. I’m not really all that self-confident in my leadership capabilities and I'd be constantly worried about whether or not I was making the right decisions, so I'd be more than happy to allow someone who was a more capable leader to step up to the plate. I’d be more comfortable in a "helper" position within the group, I think. :)
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: ...I think I probably come across as being extremely optimistic when I’m interacting with a group. I try to remain hopeful and encouraging around everyone, because I wouldn’t want them to worry about any negative thoughts I might be having and such.
Impulsive or Cautious: I’m generally more cautious overall, and I think that would be doubly true in a group setting where your actions can possibly determine what happens to others as well. I tend to be the worrier or "mother hen" of my friends.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy, most definitely. I'm pretty shy and withdrawn in all situations and that doesn’t really change in group settings. I'd be exceedingly polite at first and more than just a little nervous. Once I became more comfortable with a group over time, and I’d be a bit more open--but I’m a quiet person in general, and that wouldn’t really change all that much.

Scenario Time: Okay, so everyone has met their teammates by now. The following questions will go along with that idea.

What kind of impression would you most like to have of your team even before you start working together? I would LIKE to think that my team seems really nice and that we could work well-together in the future perhaps. The one impression that I would NOT like to have is that I’d be intimidated by all of them for one reason or another. That would just make me even more anxious.
What role could you see yourself performing in the team (i.e.: strategist, offensive fighter, support, etc.)? I’d be more of a support member...offering cover to my teammates who like to charge head-on into things and focusing more on defense. Having healing jutsu would also be pretty wonderful overall. :)
Would it be necessary for you and your teammates to get along at all times? Even when you're not on missions? ...Not really, no. It would be extremely nice if there were times when we could hang out together at a restaurant after a really tough mission or train together in our off-time, but I’d understand having other things you need to do in your spare time. It would definitely be nice if we could all greet each other in a friendly manner and without too many arguments should our paths end up crossing on the street or something, though.

Suppose one of your teammates ends up getting captured during a really important mission. There is a debate on whether or not a rescue attempt should be made since it might jeopardize said mission. What would you want to do? ...Honestly? I’d feel bad about perhaps ruining the mission, but I’d want to go back and try to help my teammate. I’d feel horrible just leaving them to their fate-especially since, as a team, you’re supposed to be helping one another. Coming up with a plan to save them would be my first priority.
Reverse scenario time. YOU'RE the unlucky captive. What would you want/expect your teammates to do in that situation? As strange as it might sound, I’d want them to continue with the mission overall. It would be really nice if they thought so much about me that they’d try and attempt a rescue...but I’d feel really guilty if the mission failed because of me or someone else got hurt in the attempt. It’s strange...I don’t regard myself as highly as I do others for some reason. 0_0 I’d probably try and think of a way to escape on my own if it were possible, as I wouldn’t want to be a burden on them.

Time has passed.
Would you feel that your team was more trouble than it was worth in the long run or that the experience was worth it? It would probably be very stressful at first considering how introverted I can be...but if we ended up really bonding and working well-together, I would definitely think that the experience was ultimately worth it. :)
Would the thought of working separately from them on a mission make you feel a bit nervous? Probably, since I’d be more comfortable working with people that I’m somewhat familiar with. I’d try my best though.
How would you feel about a lengthier, perhaps even permanent, dissolution of your team? I’d be sad, especially if we’d really started to become friends with one another and such. Still, I like to think that I’d look back at the memories we shared together fondly...and that they would help me to keep walking forward in the future, even if were physically far away from one another. *cue corny music here, lol*

Is there a particular team in the Naruto-verse that you feel you'd get along with the least? If so...which team would it be and why? I probably wouldn’t really get along with either of the Sound teams very well, mainly because they don’t really seem to care about one another all that much. And since I don’t really agree with what the Akatsuki are doing, I probably wouldn’t be able to work well with them either.
...Oddly enough, I probably wouldn’t have TOO much of a problem getting along with Team Snake since they’re pretty much just a group of people traveling along together for their own ends. If I ever felt compelled to do so, I could just leave it seems like and no one would really care all that much. 0_0 It would be a bit distant and impersonal compared to the closer knit unity of some of the other Naruto teams, but that wouldn’t necessarily make it a bad team or anything.

Anything else?: Not really...thank you very much for taking the time to read this! :)
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