New Formation Ino-Shika-Cho

Dec 01, 2007 23:18

Name: Brinn
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. X
2. X
3. X

When working with others, you tend to be more...
Mature or Immature?: Irritatingly mature, as a rule, since I generally have a problem with taking things too seriously. But people I trust who’ve known me forever know how to tease me into loosening up enough let myself act my age and just cut loose.
Leader or Follower?: I’m a competent leader, but I generally like to defer to other people when working in a group, unless I get the impression that the won’t get done properly (or at all) unless I step in and take the reigns.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: a Realist - there’s really no use hoping or fretting over the future. What’s going to happen is going to happen, so the best you can do is be prepared and roll with the punches. It’s how you react to what happens to you that matters.
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious. While I tend to trust my instincts, I always have to consider all possible aspects and outcomes of a situation otherwise I might overlook something important.
Outgoing or Shy: I’m going to say shy in that I’m introverted. I don’t have any problems or hang-ups dealing with people, but I definitely need my alone time to be able to put my thoughts in order. Even with friends I’ve known forever, sometimes you just need a little space to appreciate the time you spend together.

Scenario Time: Okay, so everyone has met their teammates by now. The following questions will go along with that idea.

What kind of impression would you most like to have of your team even before you start working together?
I’d just like to be sure that these are people I can trust. Nobody’s perfect, so I totally expect each of us to have our own flaws and weaknesses, but as long as we are (or have the potential to be) loyal to each other, I’d stick with them.
What role could you see yourself performing in the team (i.e.: strategist, offensive fighter, support, etc.)?
Probably support or defense. While I think I’m pretty good if I have a strategy, I’m not always able to cope as well when plans go awry, so I’d need to be with people who could think on the fly when the plan goes to hell, but who know without a doubt that I’ve got their backs.
Would it be necessary for you and your teammates to get along at all times? Even when you're not on missions?
Yeah, I really think that to be able to have that split-second understanding of the way another person thinks, you’ve got to be able to know them on a really personal level. Plus, I think that there’s something really important about having people you know you can rely on off the field as much as you can on it.

Suppose one of your teammates ends up getting captured during a really important mission. There is a debate on whether or not a rescue attempt should be made since it might jeopardize said mission. What would you want to do?
Honestly, I’d willingly sacrifice a mission for the sake of a friend and I don’t think I’d regret it for a second. People are worth more than missions, and friends more so than that.
Reverse scenario time. YOU'RE the unlucky captive. What would you want/expect your teammates to do in that situation?
Frankly? I’d expect them to come to my rescue the same way I would for them, otherwise what’s the point in trust?

Time has passed.
Would you feel that your team was more trouble than it was worth in the long run or that the experience was worth it?
I’d probably feel that the time we spent together was invaluable, both from a professional and personal level.
Would the thought of working separately from them on a mission make you feel a bit nervous?
Absolutely. If I was working alone, I’d feel naked and vulnerable without knowing my team was there to watch my back, and if I was working with new people, I’d have no way of knowing I could rely on them or that they were competent and capable in the field.
How would you feel about a lengthier, perhaps even permanent, dissolution of your team?
Heartbroken, but I wouldn’t let our official separation keep us apart during our off-hours. We’d be together even if we couldn’t work together any more.

Is there a particular team in the Naruto-verse that you feel you'd get along with the least? If so...which team would it be and why?
Probably Team Ebisu because little kids are obnoxious, or Team Baki (pre-Shippuuden) because you shouldn’t be afraid of anyone on your team

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