Name: SK.
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. When working with others, you tend to be more...
Mature or Immature?: Mature 99% of the time, but everyone has their moments. I suppose I have an air of maturity around me and act as the voice of reason, but at the same time, know when it's okay to joke around, tease people and have fun...but I don't usually appear that way unless I feel comfortable enough.
Leader or Follower?: I can be both, depending on the situation or if I choose to step up to the plate or not, because I am capable of being a leader. But sometimes I just do things on my own.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Out of the two, pessimistic...but I'm more closely described as realist.
Impulsive or Cautious: Definitely cautious. Rushing into something without thinking is a no-no.
Outgoing or Shy: Eh, I don't like to describe myself as "shy"...but I'm certainly not outgoing. In-between, I suppose?
Scenario Time: Okay, so everyone has met their teammates by now. The following questions will go along with that idea.
What kind of impression would you most like to have of your team even before you start working together? Serious (maybe even intimidating), not wanting to be involved, and overall cautious of what I say and polite, since I don't know these people that well. Once they open me up, though, I'm quite different.
What role could you see yourself performing in the team (i.e.: strategist, offensive fighter, support, etc.)? Most likely a strategist with some special power. I wouldn't fight with just my bare hands, nor would I be the defender or healer.
Would it be necessary for you and your teammates to get along at all times? Even when you're not on missions? Well, it'd be nice, but not everyone's that way, you see. 8D
Suppose one of your teammates ends up getting captured during a really important mission. There is a debate on whether or not a rescue attempt should be made since it might jeopardize said mission. What would you want to do? Eh, rescue them. They're a part of the team. What a team does is look out for each other, so that's what we have to do...actually, it'd be great if we could rescue them then continue with the mission, so we'd have no noticable delays...but if it's not possible, then it's not possible. Also, it's probably easier to do the mission with more than one or two people, so there's also an advantage in that.
Reverse scenario time. YOU'RE the unlucky captive. What would you want/expect your teammates to do in that situation? Hopefully rescue me? 8D Buuut I wouldn't want them to put themselves in unneccesary danger, so I'd want them to rescue me only if I knew they'd be able to successfully do it.
Time has passed.
Would you feel that your team was more trouble than it was worth in the long run or that the experience was worth it? Depends on how we interacted and how many missions we completed. Hopefully it wasn't full of pointless squabbles and trivial arguments. 8D
Would the thought of working separately from them on a mission make you feel a bit nervous? Eh, well, after knowing them for a while, possibly. Even so, it's their own decisions.
How would you feel about a lengthier, perhaps even permanent, dissolution of your team? I'd probably dislike it, but it depends on the people I'm working with. If I didn't get along with them at all, then I certainly wouldn't miss them, would I?
Is there a particular team in the Naruto-verse that you feel you'd get along with the least? If so...which team would it be and why? Hmm. I'm honestly not sure. :\
Anything else?: Not that I know of.