Name: Mabelline. IggJiggWigg.
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. What are three positive adjectives that you would use to describe yourself (please try to go into some detail for each one!)?:
1. Neat : I try my best to loook neat and keep my surroundings clean and tidy.
2. Optimistic: I don't think of the bad consequences when I want to try out something new, and I get others to not think of the negative side-effects of most things.
3. Logical: The majority of my viewpoints are based on logic and common sense.
What are three negative adjectives that you would use to describe yourself?:
1. Lazy : I try not to put too much effort into anything. Unless it's super important to me or to someone else. Plus, I don't really do my homework, and I avoid chores. Oppsy.
2. Insensitive: Sometimes, I just say rather insulting things or words that make people angry without thinking. Call that being implusive, but I think this is more of an insensitivity.
3. Clumsy: Most of the time, when I move, I either: knock people/things over, break stuff, or hurt myself. Crud. I almost knocked down a lil' stand today too.
Would others agree with the above adjectives? Would they possibly use different ones to describe you (and, if yes, which ones would you not be surprised to see)? I guess my friends will agree to tem. Since they are a bunch of smarts, I think they can come up with more adjectives, like Careless, Procrastiator, Tiny Attention Span, Superficious and etc.
If YOU were able to create a ninja village, what symbol would you want on your forehead protector? I would want the symbol somethat like the symbol for Kingdom Hearts. (It's like this heart, and at the arcs, the lines curl in.) The symbol is not only pretty, it means that the ninja village ninjas are trained to use the power of the heart. Wow. Sounds mushy.
What type of weather and/or which season do you prefer? I prefer a windy and cloudy day. My fave season would be autumn, because it's cool but dry.
What type of location do you see yourself more likely to live in (for example: near water, in the desert, near a forest, etc.)? Eh...I see myself living near a water source, like a river, but not where there are many people.
Would you like ninja training in your village to be harsh in order for the strongest to advance, or would you rather it be more forgiving of mistakes? Truthfully, I'd prefer more harshness. Putting people through the worst can produce the best ninjas with the strongest minds and hearts. Or it can turn them deranged and create a line of super villians. Cool.
Speaking of missions, would you prefer only hard or advanced missions for all of your resident ninja or would you not mind them participating in simpler errands if need be? Harder missions train people and they turn in more money right? Then again, I'd like for a balance of mission difficulty so that the ninjas can steadily rise and not mess up any big missions. Messing them up is equal to losing money + reputation!!
Would you prefer living in a more populated and busy village, or one more rural/country-like? As much as I love the peace and quiet of a rural area, I would prefer living in a busy village. That would mean that getting supplies becomes easier and there is manpower should there be an invasion.
All hidden villages have a leader...what kind of leader would you most respect and why? I would most respect someone who can bring in the dough as well as improving the village's welfare.
Would you prefer it if your village's leader had almost total power and control over the workings of the village, or shared it with some kind of council? Sharing it over a council = having more ideas. One person's ideas are far from enough to properly control the village. Plus, if the leader falls suddenly, not having a council will cause a major chaos.
Anything else?: Nope. Not unless you count me liking to eat sushi. Sorry for the randomness.