Name: Airshiplogic
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. 2. 3. What are three positive adjectives that you would use to describe yourself (please try to go into some detail for each one!)?:
1. Logical - There’s a reason for everything. We just don’t know their connection yet. (: (Blame the anagram within my name too.)
2. Creative - Ergo, fan fiction that I do quite often. I like to think backwards and sometimes weirdly and randomly. Haha.
3. Secretive - I’ll take your secret to the grave. Literally. Well, unless you do something funny.
What are three negative adjectives that you would use to describe yourself?:
1. Cynical - Cynical bastard is practically my middle name. It’s just the over analysis of the situation that results in this. Plus a natural misanthropic nature.
2. Superficial - I might befriend you for a certain need or reason. And not necessarily for company.
3. Jealousy - If others get something that I want, I’ll mope and plot and sulk all day long.
Would others agree with the above adjectives? Would they possibly use different ones to describe you (and, if yes, which ones would you not be surprised to see)? Yes. I should think sarcastic and independent, reliable, eccentric. (I asked someone.)
If YOU were able to create a ninja village, what symbol would you want on your forehead protector? I don’t know. Something simple but meaningful and powerful?
What type of weather and/or which season do you prefer? Winter! Or rather any really cold rainy season.
What type of location do you see yourself more likely to live in (for example: near water, in the desert, near a forest, etc.)? In a cold country with a barren forest (in winter) nearby. Also with soft light, not strong glaring sunlight! Argh.
Would you like ninja training in your village to be harsh in order for the strongest to advance, or would you rather it be more forgiving of mistakes?
Harsh order. Oops. I think life is the survival of the fittest and if you fail at the art of self preservation, you’ll die and there would not be any second chance. So I rather have harsh order and not rely on second chances and get the mission done right on the first try.
Speaking of missions, would you prefer only hard or advanced missions for all of your resident ninja or would you not mind them participating in simpler errands if need be?
Both. It depends on the capabilities of the ninja.
Would you prefer living in a more populated and busy village, or one more rural/country-like?
I like the city life better. The slow country life would bore me to death.
All hidden villages have a leader...what kind of leader would you most respect and why?
I prefer competence over friendliness.
Would you prefer it if your village's leader had almost total power and control over the workings of the village, or shared it with some kind of council?
I think council would be best. Democracy over authoritarian style leadership.
Anything else?: No.