Name: SK.
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. What are three positive adjectives that you would use to describe yourself (please try to go into some detail for each one!)?:
1. Logical - I value this in both myself and others, and take enjoyment in finding reasons to things.
2. Multi-sided - Calm but overdramatic, cool-headed yet emotional, cold yet more open with close friends. I also put up facades with people I don't know or don't trust, or maybe I just don't want to speak with them. Not sure if this is positive...but it's not really negative, either.
3. Dependable - I hate looking like a flake. I keep my word. I'm there if you need me...I'm quite protective of those close to me.
What are three negative adjectives that you would use to describe yourself?:
1. Obsessive - I can't stop thinking about my current obsession, and it switches randomly.
2. Withdrawn - I tend to avoid people, especialy strangers (out of both not wanting to waste my breath and trust issues, as I'm very paranoid), and am not the most social person.
3. Smug - I like to feel that I'm 99% right, and look down on the general masses. I have a cynical view on the world. I'm also quite sardonic.
Would others agree with the above adjectives? Would they possibly use different ones to describe you (and, if yes, which ones would you not be surprised to see)? I don't know? I've been called caring, smug, withdrawn, gloomy, overdramatic, silly, mean, clever, intelligent, mature, loyal, calm, paranoid...and probably others.
If YOU were able to create a ninja village, what symbol would you want on your forehead protector?
What type of weather and/or which season do you prefer? I like winter. I prefer cold over hot, but at the same time, I enjoy mildly-warm weather. Just don't send me to live in Texas or anything, kthx. I also like wind, but not too much of it.
What type of location do you see yourself more likely to live in (for example: near water, in the desert, near a forest, etc.)? I like nice scenery. I wouldn't want to be in the desert, for example. Green is good? :D
Would you like ninja training in your village to be harsh in order for the strongest to advance, or would you rather it be more forgiving of mistakes? Forgiving of mistakes, but at the same time I don't want losers guarding the village. So. In-between?
Speaking of missions, would you prefer only hard or advanced missions for all of your resident ninja or would you not mind them participating in simpler errands if need be? I prefer the ones that I think of when I hear the word "missions", which would be something more advanced, but no one can neglect the simple things in life.
Would you prefer living in a more populated and busy village, or one more rural/country-like? I don't like country areas...too many bugs/rednecks/cows and their smell. So either in-between or busy.
All hidden villages have a leader...what kind of leader would you most respect and why? One that doesn't back down and would give himself up if need be for the sake of the village. A true leader that protects the people. He'd also be smart/logical, and at the same time open-minded enough to hear suggestions from the people.
Would you prefer it if your village's leader had almost total power and control over the workings of the village, or shared it with some kind of council? Eh. I don't really care.
Anything else?: No, not really.