Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
I know your kung-fu, grasshopper!2.
Ah, the evil slinky....So we meet again.3.
Your ninja!bunnies cannot save you now! General Personality Questions
Strengths: I guess my strengths would be art, listening, and thinking about different things.
Weaknesses: I procrastinate a little too much than I should and I tend to be insensitive.
Mature or Immature?: It depends on the people I'm around and the amount of caffeine in my system. I think I'd be mature but only to a certain degree.
Leader or Follower?: I'd rather follow. Those leaders have enough to deal with.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic. Sure we blew the house up....but wasn't that cool?
Impulsive or Cautious?: I'm more on the cautious side. If I'm not completely sure about something I won't go headlong into it.
Outgoing or Shy?: Shy actually. I can talk fine on the computer but put me on the phone or in person and I clam up.
Music Talk
Which genres of music do you tend to prefer?: I have a wide variety. I think music should be able to tell a story. If that's able to come across without being too obvious or rough then I'll probably like it.
What kind of vocals do you tend to like in your songs?: Vocals that you can actually hear what they're saying. Most rap songs put me off simple because I can't hear you over the bass. Screaming lyrics in songs doesn't really work well with me either.
Do you like faster songs, or ones that are more ballad-like for the most part?: It depends on the mood I'm in. I like to listen to fast songs while making icons but slowler songs when I'm trying to relax or play a video game.
Imagine having your very own soundtrack. What five songs that you're familiar with could you see being on the track list (please don't include any Naruto songs in this list!)?:
1. Still Standing by The Rasmus
2. I'm Not Alright by Sanctus Real
3. Me Against the World by Simple Plan
4. Good-bye by SR-71
5. Our Time Is Running Out by The Muse
List five of your favorite musical artists: Going by how many CDS I own of the bands....
1. Queen
2. Queensryche
3. Linkin Park
4. Cher
5. Nine Inch Nails
What's your favorite theme song from Naruto thus far (please note: the answer to this question isn’t an indication of what YOUR theme song from Naruto would be but has more to do with your musical preferences)?:
Hmmmm.... "Seishun Kyousoukyoku" by SamboMaster. I don't really know why but I really like that song.
And your least favorite?:
Oh dear lord, that one's easy. "Distance" by LONG SHOT PARTY. Just no. I don't think that song fits at all with what's happened in Naruto so far. It really sounds contrived to me.
Does your music preferences change depending on your mood? And if so, how?:
Not really, I just listen to music to speed me up or slow me down.
Do lyrics necessarily have to make a lot of sense, or is that not as important so long as a song has an amazing beat?:
The lyrics have to make some sense. I think the beat and the lyrics should flow together and not sound like they're competing for your attention.
If you were in a band...what instrument or role would you like to play in it?:
I can play the alto sax but I'd just be happy in keeping all the instruments together and clean.
Anything else?:
Not really, no. And the links to the posts I voted on? .....Yeah, I'm in a crack mood.
ATTENTION VOTERS: Please check out the
Theme Post to make voting can open it up in a new window or tab.