Name: Ozbourne
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
x Likes: Art, crafts, fashion design, dark or dry humour, Japanese culture, fresh fruit, rice, seafood, bubble baths, my weird dreams, sarcasm, going barefoot, non-romance reality shows, makeover shows, shiny things, reptiles, felines
Dislikes: Early mornings, backstabbers, people who are way too perky and happy all the time, wristwatches, onions, mayonnaise, socks unless I am wearing boots, prejudice, people who push their opinions on you, having someone watch over my shoulder when I try to do things, and gushy romantic crap.
What do you feel is your best quality?: Either my determination or my ability to be independent, though if I had to choose I'd say my determination.
Your worst?: Probably my distrustfulness. I tend to put up a wall between myself and other people.
For the following section, please pick one or the other. Even if you show both traits, please pick the one that you feel you are most like, and if possible explain why you think you are more of this way.
Mature or Immature?: Very slightly more to the mature side; I tend to associate immaturity with dependence on other people and irresponsibility, but on the other side I tend to associate extreme maturity with being boring and stuffy. I also think that the fact I hold grudges and have a temper isn't necessarily mature. So overall I'd say I'm mostly mature with a bit of arrested development and chaos.
Leader or Follower?: More a leader than a follower definitely; I hate being ordered around. Given my own choices though, I'd rather either be on equal footing with all of my peers or teammates, or work alone.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic, although that's something I'm working on.
Impulsive or Cautious: I'm more impulsive when it comes to situations and experiences, and cautious when it comes to people and interactions.
Outgoing or Shy: I'm not terribly outgoing, but I wouldn't say it's due to shyness so much as a dislike or distrust of most people.
How far would you go for a friend who was in trouble, even if they didn't want your help?: If they wanted my help, I'd go as far as I could without putting my own life in danger. If they didn't want my help, that would probably really frustrate me, and I can see myself throwing up my hands in frustration with them and telling them to solve their own damn problem then.
Is there something in the past you regret or would want to change?: I'd rather have studied something in school that I would've wanted to continue with as opposed to something that just interested me at the time.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: The trust issues thing, I think. I'm not saying I'd want to blindly trust everyone, but being a little less paranoid about other people hurting me might allow me to open up more and make some friends.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?: People in general should have more common sense, because this might enable them to make other changes in the world. It'd be pointless to change something and then have ignorant people come screw it up again, but if the people weren't as ignorant, they could fix it and prevent it from happening again.
Looking back, how would you say you've changed over the years (say...2.5 of them)?: The positive: I've gained a lot more independence; two and a half years ago I was living at home and bored stiff, now I've got my own apartment, am financially independent, and quite a bit happier. The negative: Oddly, I seem to have gotten a bit more jaded about things in general.
Be honest-- do you find yourself being easily inspired by others, even to the point of wanting to change yourself for them?: Not really. I do draw bits of inspiration from others, but I don't change myself for other people. I change myself for myself.
...Or do you feel you're someone who is more likely to inspire others instead?: I really don't care if I inspire others or not, as long as they don't try to be like me. Whether or not imitation truly is the sincerest form of flattery, it can be pretty damn creepy to have wannabe clones running around.
What's your take on teamwork? I don't think it's always necessary; it depends on the situation and how well the group works together. If it's a really cohesive group then yes, teamwork is a good thing, but otherwise I think that splitting up and each person working on their own might be more effective.
What kind of attack style could you picture yourself having in the Naruto-verse?: Definitely something that would allow me to use my enemy's weakness against him/her/them; I think it'd be the quickest way to take them down.
Were you rated as a character in the Regular Rating application who is a result for this theme (Meaning: you had a Future!*insert character name* stamp or one for a character such as Deidara) and would prefer NOT being voted as them again? Please list the character here if that is the case, otherwise put "N/A" so as not to sway votes: I was voted as Sai in the regular application, and wouldn't mind being voted as him again since I really did find it quite accurate, but am curious if I'm like someone else too.
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