i desire the title of hokage.

Jun 02, 2008 15:16

Name: kristeen :0
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. here
2. here
3. and here

What would you say are some of your strengths?: witty, intelligent, can easily get my way via manipulation, good at art, find humor in everything (that can be a curse as well) i always think of things in a scientific context
Weaknesses?: i say things other people find offencive but i don't, smartass, lazy, procrastinator, manipulitive, happy go lucky, antisocial (id rather be alone than with anyone), terrable work ethic, i NEVER ask for help. i would rather fail than even ask a question. tenacious, i never give myself credit, and im super reclusive.

Would you say you're more of a...
Loner or Team Player?: oh i am the archetype of loner my dear friends. i hate socializing. i hate parties. i hate talking to most people because take offence to everything i say. its called sarcasm...
Fighter or Lover?: i just like to sit back and watch the two extremes go at it you know? i can be cold and pedantic, but then again i don't go seek out fights. i just stand up for whats right and protect people. i guess i see myself as a protector.
Leader or Follower?: i tend to just do my own thing. no one usually follows. but if i must choose, follower. i don't want to be responsible for others.
Optimist or Pessimist?: optimist

What's your usual energy level on any given day?: if i've taken my ADD pills? mabye just a tad above the avrage person. i sleep in till 10 and stay up till 3 ;)
How mature would you probably say you were?: just mature. but not in regards to humor or work ethic.
...Do you think others would agree?: indeed.

SCENARIO-TIME: All right, congratulations...you are now a ninja in the Naruto-verse! Boy, that was quick! Now it's time to take a few minutes out of your busy shinobi schedule to answer a few questions, if you don't mind.

How do your picture your Ninja Academy days?: probobly a lot like my gradeschool days, yes? well i had all guy friends because i used to be the little fat chick ;) i was a tomboy. i sucked at almost everything but art.
What kind of missions would you really enjoy going on?: don't know. mabey bodyguard ones? ones where i wasn't seeking out a fight, trying to ambush someone, but ones where i was defending someone, or something. or rescuing someone. i love protecting people. or ones where i could like jump in front of someone and block an attack with my awesome valor. kickass. the thing is i have absolutly no fear of death whatsoever. im not depressed or anything, its just everyone dies so dont be such a pussy about it. its going to happen, so why not now?
...Which ones would make you cringe?: the ones that involved physical labor or ones that i was the leader of.

Would you mind following orders...or would you prefer to be the one giving them?: following em. if i was giving them and the person died or something because i suck at leading...

Does the prospect of being an "elite" appeal to you?: thats nice.
Would you mind having to do lots of paper and administrative work?: no and yes. i suck at filing and keeping things orderly, but the paperwork itself is fine.
Would you want to be connected closely with your village...or be able to move about more freely?: i love traveling. i love seeing new places and adventuring.
What would be your views on groups like ANBU?: its a job that someone has to do. i could never put the good of the mission before a teamates life. so id fail epically at ANBU.

ATTENTION VOTERS: Please check out the Theme Post to make voting easier...you can open it up in a new window or tab.

....i totally thought that said "attention whores"
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