Antagonist theme

Jul 10, 2008 12:37

Name: Kit
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:

Likes: writing, reading, roleplaying, music, languages, cultures, art, museums, dancing
Dislikes: homophobes, hypocrites, liars, stupid know-it-alls, bad grammar, net speak (seriously it's going to be the downfall of america >> if Bush doesn't do it first)

What do you feel is your best quality?: Loyalty
Your worst?: Getting too attached and being co-dependent

For the following section, please pick one or the other. Even if you show both traits, please pick the one that you feel you are most like, and if possible explain why you think you are more of this way.
Mature or Immature?: Inbetween
Leader or Follower?: Follower
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Eh..realistic >> realistic should really be an option.
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsively cautious I guess. I'm cautious till my emotions get the best of me and then I forget how to think.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy around people I don't know, but when I'm comfortable I can be really outgoing, but I'm always unsure of myself.

Oh no! You're just sitting there enjoying your day when from out of nowhere some kid in an orange jumpsuit wants to fight you! What possible reason could he have for doing that?: Well...first I'd think that someone needs to tell him that 1. Orange has never been in style 2. Jumpsuits went out of style years ago >>

Innocent bystanders somehow manage to get themselves smack dab in the middle of your fight. How would you react?: Try to move the fight away from them.

Most shinobi tend to specialize in something, and antagonist-shinobi are no exception. Where would most of your skill and strength lie (i.e.: offense, defense, reconnaisance)?: Probably something medical and helpful to someone I'm with more than fighting by myself. I'm more of a back up/side-kick type person.

What are your thoughts on the Jinchuuriki?: *yawn* Leave the poor kids alone and those two, Naruto and Gaara should just have babies already.

Would you have a problem using people and/or animals as guinea pigs in any mad scientist experiments you might conduct? What about trying them on yourself?: I probably wouldn't have a problem but I don't think I'd iniate it on my own

Assume you're more of a secondary antagonist who is following someone else's orders. If you were your boss...would YOU trust you?: Probably not but I'm not so I trust blindly.

Immortality: do you think that it's all it's cracked up to be?: It could be if you have the means to keep life interesting.
Is showing mercy a bad thing?: No
How about showing respect to your superiors and/or co-workers?: Respect is important especially for superiors.

Why would you most likely be an antagonist in the Naruto-verse? Please list these reasonings on a scale of one to nine (1 being your most likely reasoning, 9 being your least):
--To change the world. 1
--Loyalty. 1
--It seemed like a fun idea at the time. 8
--My beliefs. 1
--Power. 9
--Money. 9
--Revenge. 9
--...Wouldn't you like to know? 1

Is there an antagonist character from something other than Naruto that you feel you can relate to? And if yes, then why?: Hm...well...SPOILER WARNING FOR 7tH BOOK HARRY POTTER

Well in my opinion Snape. If I was ever an antagonist I think I would be more of an anti-hero. I could never be as cruel a person in personality as Snape was but I think his sacrifices and the way he believed and was willing to sacrifice his life I can relate too.

Name one of your favorite antagonist characters aside from those in Naruto and tell us what appeals to you about that character:
Akutsu from Prince of Tennis - He's another sad character to me and while he can be so cruel and mean you know that he does have emotions from how he interacts with Taka and Taichi. Not to mention his strength is kickass.
Going back to Naruto now, who is your least favorite Naruto antagonist character and why? Well...I honestly didn't like Raiga at all but...uh...*thinks* Yeah I end up liking all of the antagonists because all of them have this side to them that makes you feel sorry for them it seems like. I hated Sasori most until half way throught he fight with Sakura and Chiyo. But as for lasting hate, Raiga.
(OPTIONAL--please don't respond unless this somehow applies to you!) Were you rated as a character who is an option for this theme and, if so, would you prefer NOT to be rated as the same character again? Please give the character's name if that is the case.:

ATTENTION VOTERS: Please check out the Theme Post to make voting can open it up in a new window or tab.
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