Aug 24, 2008 16:14

Name: Char
Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
1. Here
2. Here
3. Here

What would you say are some of your strengths?: My caring and respect for others would probably be my strength. I'm pretty smart when it comes to grasping situations. I know how to keep a sense of perspective, and a sense of humor. Most people would agree that I'm responsible, where it really counts.
Weaknesses?: I can tend to try to shy away from things that...uh, intimidate me. I'm impatient at times, especially when I get tired of something. I can be selfish.

Would you say you're more of a...
Loner or Team Player?: Ha. Team player. I need my alone time too, but I am definitely not a loner. Being around others is amazing.
Fighter or Lover?: You would not call me a fighter. I'm not a suck-up, but I don't go looking for fights. Lover, most likely.
Leader or Follower?: Both. I think everyone's opinion is worth being expressed, mine included!
Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist

What's your usual energy level on any given day?: Uhh. Depends on the time of year? :] I'm generally cheerful, whatever energy level that is. I get up ready to face the world in the morning (most mornings). I usually crash at night. Depending.
How mature would you probably say you were?: Pretty much so, I guess. (Overlooking those small details, such as complaining when I'm tired/hungry/in-a-crappy-mood ;])
...Do you think others would agree?: Yes

SCENARIO-TIME: All right, are now a ninja in the Naruto-verse! Boy, that was quick! Now it's time to take a few minutes out of your busy shinobi schedule to answer a few questions, if you don't mind.

How do your picture your Ninja Academy days?: Great. They glow. Childhood, and everything. They're not perfect, cause what ever is?, but I wouldn't change them for the world.
What kind of missions would you really enjoy going on?: A mission where I can see the good I'm doing. Or at least, the point I'm doing it for. I'd also probably enjoy team missions more than solo missions, though there's a point in everything when you have to do it solo.
...Which ones would make you cringe?: Uhh. Ones that require senseless slaughtering? Oh I know: ones that require higher mathematics skills. *shot*

Would you mind following orders...or would you prefer to be the one giving them?: I hate to say it, but probably giving orders, just because there's no way to really guarantee the level of trust I'd have for the person giving orders. But I would probaby follow them if I was in Narutoverse, though, considering that there would be a mission at stake.

Does the prospect of being an "elite" appeal to you?: Doesn't it appeal to everyone? 8]
Would you mind having to do lots of paper and administrative work?: Depends on what I was doing it for. It would be a bother, and a bore, and would probably make me groan, but if it was for a good cause I would do it.
Would you want to be connected closely with your village...or be able to move about more freely?: Connected close, most likely. I have to have a home.
What would be your views on groups like ANBU?: They're highly admirable, and we should be respectful and appreciative to them for doing what they do.

ATTENTION VOTERS: Please check out the Theme Post to make voting can open it up in a new window or tab. 

rank: genin

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