niece, workshop, music

Apr 04, 2011 20:59

Cadence, the latest addition to my mom's side of the family, was born on Thursday, just four minutes shy of April 1st. she's the first daughter of my cousin Kiddo and his wife Amy and the second child of her generation. knowing her parents, she's most likely gonna grow up on the beach.

I visited her and her parents on Saturday morning along with my mom, tita and lola. I found out that her birth was almost problematic since she was positioned in such a way that pushing her out meant that she'd be strangled by her umbilical cord. in fact, one of her hands was slightly blue because of the cord. thankfully, after detecting that, the doctors were able to deliver her without incident. not five minutes after being born and she was already ready to rock.

later that afternoon, I went over to Shutterspace Studios for a lighting workshop by fellow HGT member, Jason. it was mostly an introductory class and majority of the concepts covered were things that I'd already learned and practiced after strobing for a year. the new things I learned involved light setups and light modifiers. the techniques were for studio lights but the principles are easily adapted for speedlights, though the effects aren't always as easy to duplicate.

I wasn't supposed to go to the Ongaku Society gig since the workshop ended at 8pm but since it was near my house, I decided to go anyway. I'm not fond of noise and the close confines didn't do me any favors. still, I enjoyed the music. I couldn't make out the vocals most of the time due to them being drowned out by the instruments, though.

I spent my time there with Sese, Arianne, Ian and, later on, Erving. Cat was busy acting as a bouncer, which was pretty funny considering how tiny she is. I got to meet fellow Mafia Gang members Chase and Juju, who I've sort of interacted with online for the past four years but never met in person.

shoots, hgt, cpg

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