Title: Realise Pairings: Ian/Anthony Rating/Warnings: PG? Summary: Ian remembers when he realises that he as feelings for Anthony Author's Notes: This is my first fanfiction so be nice maybe? I do not own smosh. :) Previous Chapters: None
Nice! It was really short, but still made me so emotional. I liked that it wasn't just a fluffy ending, that you kept it an unreqiuted love. Good work. And are you new here? If so, welcome :)
Welcome!~ This fic was was written very well, newbie or not. It's short, but it has goo quality. I would just suggest that you put a space or two every other paragraph as it may confuse other people who can't really remember the lines they were currently reading (like me). I hope I see more of you fics. :))) Read my fics as well? :3 (btw, i'm new, too) Sorry for the long comment.
Comments 6
Ah, the story plot. ;)
I do hope to see more.
Grammar was perfect BTW.
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