Title: Non Sum Qualis Eram
lookninjas aka
ninjasnanoCharacter/Pairing(s): Full Torchwood Team, one character from Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves, slightly altered.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Takes place mid-series Two, so no real spoilers for Torchwood. Some spoilers for House of Leaves. Some violence, not explicit.
Disclaimer: I own neither
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Comments 19
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
If I could do so through interpretive dance, beat poetry, Inuit throat singing and incoherent screaming all at the same time, I would be doing that now.
There are about a billion reasons why this was a good idea. To type them all out would wear out my laptop keyboard, and I'd have to sue you, so I'm going to keep it to a few basic themes:
And, of course, everything else. But that, particularly, made me the kind of happy generally associated with illicit drugs. I am not the only person who has read this book a thousandthousandthousand times and loved details like that, and it makes my heart SWELL WITH LOVE FOR YOU.
I'm getting very forward. Dialing it back a bit.
The fact that you used the line from If You Were Here just kind of cinched the deal of me adoring this as a response to two interesting universes, merging them the way that you did. Well, one incredibly interesting, terrifying universe and one kind of cracky LOOK WE HAS ( ... )
I am in favor of this plan, and think you should immediately proceed.
Also, I am very glad you liked the story, and very glad that you're not suing me, and I don't mind at all if you're forward, because you're a House of Leaves fan, and that makes it okay.
♥ I was apparently not finished throwing hearts at you.
(And you have me listening to "Exploration B", "Haunted" and "5 1/2 Minute Hallway" over and over again.)
Also, it would be remiss of me not to mention that some anonymous someone is doing an amazing HoL/Sherlock Holmes crossover here. I have no idea how they're doing it, but OMG fucking amazing. There's codes and an unnamed narrator fucking with reality and it's just amazing.
By which I mean this was creepy as hell and therefore absolutely excellent :)
(And I feel for you. I have hot-water heating, so there's random thumping and clanking sounds in my apartment all night long. The minotaur's going to get me!)
Eee! I'm freaked out. I loved it!
(It kills me that "Dominique" has come up in comments so often, because I really never listened to it until midway through writing this. I just used it because it's in Poe's "House of Leaves," and is ridiculously scary there.)
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