i just realised, i must go into school tomorrow, for my new school pictures for next year, and to get my finals back...
the only problem with that other than having to see the school that i totally dispise, is that i don't exactly know where my school7s uniform tie is, so theyare gonna be pissed about the picture...
if you are looking for a way to get wonderfully enormous blisters, kendo is just the way to do it. every class i come home with at least one new one.
in fact, in one place i have blusters like down 4 layers of skin... like one blister is ripped off by the floor and then you build up another under it, basically liek that, yeah
i think i may try to get on IM on friday night (NY time) but im not sure yet, this host family isn'T really big on letting me go and do things on my own, because their children are satanic elementary school students, so obviouslyi need a chaperone no matter what i do or where i go
i must say, maggie is very much like garfield. i have been reading all of the garfields ever published, because my school has them all, and most of the mremind me of maggie, it is kind of amuzing