Title: Taking a Risk - Part 2
ninniveFandom: 'Viewfinder'-series by Yamane Ayano
Characters: Asami
Rating: PG
Warnings: none (it's not even spoilery)
Summary: This chapter is all about me not telling you what's going on ;p - but in compensation you get drunk!Asami…
Disclaimer: The entirety of the 'Viewfinder'-universe belongs to Yamane Ayano.
chapter 1 *
Then maybe you should go.
Asami recalled the instant reaction to these words: Takaba's head had whipped around and his face had clearly shown how betrayed he'd felt at this moment. He'd jumped out of the bed, shouting something about how he would go - and stay away for that matter - while he'd dressed himself as fast as humanly possible and finally had stormed out of the flat, slamming the door on his way.
Everything in this little scene had played out exactly as Asami had thought it would, but still, the sudden emptiness of the room in general and the bed in particular stung him in a very uncomfortable way. Forcing himself to ignore the strange feeling in his gut, the Yakuza let himself fall down on the bed, determined to get some sleep now and work out the details of his plan tomorrow.
Two hours and every imaginable sleeping position later, Asami finally capitulated. Shaking his head, he slowly got out of the bed, stretching his cramped muscles on the way and cursing heavily under his breath - losing sleep over such an emotional matter normally was not an issue for him, and to have to acknowledge a loss of control in such an obvious way left a bitter taste in his mouth. Asami wanted to get the whole thing done as fast as possible, but when he stood in the middle of the room, trying to think the details of his scheme through, he found himself reluctant to even weigh the options, let alone to actually decide on anything.
Maybe, he mused while searching for a fresh set of clothes, it would be easier to just go on as it was - the situation between him and Takaba was, after all, not unbearable; on the contrary, it had often been much worse, especially in the beginning. But he couln't suppress the thought that this would be cowardly - and if there was something Asami had never been, it was a coward. He wouldn't start being one now.
However, he decided, he was much too sober for this. But at least that was a condition easily remedied.
Asami was a man who held his liquor exceptionally well, but after almost the entire bottle of his best whisky even he had reached his limits. Closing his eyes against the brightness of the rising sun, he finally decided on whom to entrust with his not so little problem - an old business partner of his who owed him quite a lot of favours, several of them of a delicate nature. This way the embarassing questions would be kept to a minimum and since the man operated in a very discreet manner, it was also highly improbable that Takaba would find any connection between them.
Glancing at the clock on the wall, Asami decided that half past six in the morning was an appropriate time to call in an obligation and was about to call his driver - but reconsidered the option of a personal visit after a phenomenally unsuccessful attempt at standing up, which landed him ruggedly on the ground.
Some deep breaths later Asami summoned the coordination to get on his feet and after he was reasonably sure that he'd be able to stay that way, he risked the few steps to where his cell phone lay on the ground. Once there, he forced the world to stop spinning around him and bent down, managing to retrieve the phone without keeling over.
Two calls later the upcoming proceedings were organised - some of his men were assigned to a 24/7 Takaba watch, making sure that nothing would happen to the little punk and ordered to give a detailed report twice a day. This other affair was also taken care of. And with the knowledge that everything was well on its way, Asami finally managed to get into his bed and sleep.
chapter 3