50 shades off sophie 12
this is for my angel i love u x x x
Awhile later sian goes into spencers room and looks around for clues off what could be going on with her river walks in
r: mum what you doing?
si: what does it look like spencers been acting weird
r: well ive been thinking mum spencer had been like lets nail it down shes a shemale she likes weird things and into
weird things
si: she reminds me so much off sophie
r: mum whos sophie?
si: what?
r: you just said spencer reminds you off sophie whos sophie?
sian turns round and looks at river
si: thats it
sian sees spencers laptop and starts it up
r: mum you said youd never snoop
si: yer well that was antill spencer started acting weird
she sees a message pop up and reads the history chats and decides to message back and waits after 5 mins a message
comes back
dominantspy: well aint we not one to wait meet me at this address dont be late im a busy person
si: lets see who you are
r: mum you sure you wanna do this?
si: i love you girls to much to see any off you go down a wrong path
next day sian goes to the address
si: a abandent place perfect
so: submissive16 i believe
sian turns around
si: guess again sophie aka dominantspy
so: s-sian what yo-
si: do you have any idea what the fuck you are doing training a 16 year old girl to be just like you
so: how do you know
si: coz shes my daughter sophie who your a proud dad off 4 whats up soph gone abit pale
so: shes my daughter?
si: yer and you be so proud shes just like you
so: can i meet them
si: no fucking way you will never have contact with any off them and you will stop chatting to my daughter
so: shes mine 2
sian laughs
si: oh no you lost that right when you walked away
so: i was scared
sian walks out leaving sophie with her words
sp: mum wheres my laptop
si: gone you will not be needing that and your phone also
sp: thats not fair
si: and what you did to that girl was not fair spencer shes a human being just like you how dare you think you could treat someone
like that
s: im a dominant person its what i do
si: no you are not you are a young girl who is special and well say shes sorry
sp: like fuck i am dominantspy understands me you dont
si: oh spencer im
she runs to her room awhile later
si: im a failer
zoe holds onto sians hands
z: no you are not you are a concerned mother
si: she hates me
z: she knows you love her and that youed give up everything for them
sian nods
z: sian when you was 12 you when out with your mates and when you came back you had pink hair and make up on i made you take it off
and washed your hair till all that pink was gone you screamed at me saying i hate you and your not my real mum
si: oh god im sorry
z: sian like you i cried and after awhile you came to mine and your mothers room and you climbed into bed with me and said mum im sorry
and i love you
sian smiles as zoe wells up
z: that moment always stayed with me and you fell asleep in my arms
si: so what your saying is spencer loves me shes just angry
z: ofcourse shes a teenager who feels she has the world on her shoulders let her be soon enough she will see what you did was to protect her
sian nods afew weeks later spencer walks in and walks over to sian
sp: mum
sian looks at her as spencer hands her a wrapped gift
si: its not mothers day or my birthday?
sp: i know its a gift for being who you are
si: and whats that?
sp: my mum
spencer kisses her mums head and goes up stairs sian opens her gift and sees its a photo frame off her and spencer engraved best mum in
the world sian smiles