I think I'm sober now ;-) Honestly crazier things happen to me when I don't drink *double wink* talk about irony . . . aaaaaanyway
This weekend is ridiculous. Two of my best friends from home were here, one of them I was expecting and the other one SURPRISED THE HECKKK OUT OF ME and coordinated with my friends here and jumped out of a closet at me (hehe) and BAM, thus began a weekend of insanity. It's not even over yet (although the forecast for tomorrow involves a lott of homework after watching a certain fencing match and sending off a certain best friend at the greyhound station).
Oh man oh man oh man talk about things coming full circle. And me, Tiff, and Hal being together again . . . in PA? weirddd but amazing. Apparently they're both going away for good portions of winter break (the former to Florida and the latter to Israel) so it's definitely a good thing that they came to visit me and we got to hang out. Damn it I've missed them. And damn it I'll miss them when they're not home during a lot of winter break (not that I can talk as pretty much all of the summer jobs I'm looking at are farrrrr from home. hrrrmmmmm. still no definite offers though so the search goes onnn.)
Once yet again, worlds colliding in front of me. Seeing my favorite people from home click with my favorite people here is one of the best feelings in the world. I looove them :-) And of course there was a sushi dinner thrown in there. SHOOT I just remembered who we forgot to call tonight. Our sushi-pimp over in Bing. Whoops. Last time I talked to him on a Saturday night he frighteningly accurately speculated that I was doing physics. hrrm that reminds me, I need to get on that . . . tomorrow. After my two visiting 'gislanders leave me. Sssooo good to see them! And now I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and to seeing everyone else from home even more so.
k I'm starting to finally feel the exhaustion but wow what a random, unexpected, and very fun weekend. I hope I'm capable of working like crazy tomorrow afternoon. Ooooohboy. goooooodnight. kbye.