It doesn't matter, hun. Not to me. And it shouldn't to anyone else. I've sent a load of other stuff I thought about it in an e-mail, but it all boils down to that.
Well hun, a name is just a name. I do feel sort of silly that I've been referring to you as someone else, sort of (okay, that makes no sense. Please say you know what I mean :P). But however *friends*
Darling, you make my life pretteh and sparkly. Love you!
I've always thought that Poppi was a pretty name, but I think Alexandra is even prettier. :) You know I loff you, dahling, and I must add that I completely understand your dilemma, because I did a similar thing. Well, not with my name, and this was before LJ. But there was a time when I befriended people through Fiction Alley and, because I was ashamed of my age (this was just after I'd turned 14) I pretended that I in college or something... ack. Disastrous, really. I am now proud to be nearly 15, just as you should be proud to be Alexandra! And I'm t00bing off gladly to friend your new journal and continue our commenting sprees. ;)
**blushes** Thank you dear., you sure know how to make someone feel so muhc better.
I know how you feel on the age thing. I concealed mine a bit at first as well, or at least tried to make it ambiguous because I was ashamed to be thought a 'teenybopper'. But I'm mostly over that now as well, I'm a 15 year-old and that ain't gonna change till october. I think respect and friendship shouldn't be confined by age.
Comments 11
It doesn't matter, hun. Not to me. And it shouldn't to anyone else. I've sent a load of other stuff I thought about it in an e-mail, but it all boils down to that.
We love you for being you.
Mutual. *huggles*
Well hun, a name is just a name. I do feel sort of silly that I've been referring to you as someone else, sort of (okay, that makes no sense. Please say you know what I mean :P). But however *friends*
Darling, you make my life pretteh and sparkly. Love you!
Gah... the tears are coming back again... **grins and hugs**
I know how you feel on the age thing. I concealed mine a bit at first as well, or at least tried to make it ambiguous because I was ashamed to be thought a 'teenybopper'. But I'm mostly over that now as well, I'm a 15 year-old and that ain't gonna change till october. I think respect and friendship shouldn't be confined by age.
**dances with joy**
(The comment has been removed)
I mean we were talking about it. And I was like, "Do I tell Linz and Em everything or leave out the part about pseudonyms?" But now I don't have to!
*goes and friends capricious_fae
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