Pick One And Bold It:
Are you a religious person? not really
What was the last lie you told? "oh that's fine"
Do you feel bad about it? not at all
Do you consider yourself a "good" person? for the most part
Are you in love with anyone? yes i am
As far as you know, is anyone in love with you? yes they are
Whose was the last heart you broke? i don't know
Do you feel bad about it? shut uppp
Who was the last person to really get on your nerves? probably sean beird
Why? because he's one of the worst people i know
Do people know a lot about you? i'm pretty bad at hiding what i'm feeling, especially to people i spend a lot of time with
Have you ever broken something in anger? i think a few times maybe
Have you ever hurt someone in anger? no
Do you like children? if they were mine i would like them, and kids from a distance are sometimes cute
Have you ever abused an illegal substance? yeah
Have you ever been pressured to? not really
Why do you listen to music? because it can change my mood to anything
Do you prefer happy songs or sad songs? totally depends
Are you depressed? not any more than the average person
Are you intelligent? partially
Do you understand why you chose the certain item at the top? yes i do