Because no one likes to see the fat girl cry...

Aug 15, 2006 16:21

So I head into work today, with a feeling of “Today’s going to be a better day than usual.”

My god was I wrong.

So I’m settling down into my usual routine and I get a call from the temp company I work for.

They need a copy of my time card… no biggie, on its way.

And they’re coming up to the office to talk to me today.

Immediately my brain kicks into over drive. Cause I realized something yesterday. I settled my last route pack. Which means the office is almost completely paperless. Which means my position is now in jeopardy.

So my reps come and speak to the HR girl.

And then speak to me. And Damn I hate being right.

So my position at work has been eliminated. And my last day will be on Monday.

To be honest, if I didn’t need the money so bad my last day would have been about 6 hours ago.


Please keep me in your prayers and thoughts and if ya hear of any job openings in the area, lemme know.

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