Splendorocity App

Jun 24, 2011 10:36

Player Information:
Name: Taisa
Journal: silentdrifterz
Method of Contact: AIM: apocalypsetoll | LJ PM
Previous characters: N/A

Character Information:
Full Name: Niren Fedrok
Series: Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike
Canon point: The night before the mission to investigate the fortress ruins in the forest near Ceazontania.
Age: Estimated in his late 40s
Species: Human
Appearance/PB: http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy298/Naoshi921/Tales%20of%20Vesperia/NirenFedrock.jpg
Appearance upon arrival: Just like he appears in the image above.

Previous RP memories: None
Bringing someone along?: Nope
Character History:
There's not much known about Niren's early life. What is known before the movie timeline was that he was part of the Royal Guards. He had a family during that time, a wife and child that he was unable to save during a mission. Sometime after that, Niren became a Captain in the Imperial Knights and currently leads his own squad out in the city known as Ceazontania. That squad, known as the Niren Corps, would include Yuri Lowell and Flynn Scifo in which Niren's introduction happens during their first mission.

His squad is known to have trained wardogs who assist the knights. One of the dogs, Lambert is likely the pack leader and was most attached to Niren. If Lambert was not in the stable, he's usually seen with Niren. Niren also seems to be familiar with the Guild leader of the town, Merzhom. Although when Yuri mentions that Merzhom knew him, Niren neither denied nor outwardly agrees. It is likely both of them help each other out with the guild working behind the scenes.

For the duration of the movie, Niren spent his time trying to solve the monster and blastia situation in the forest near Ceazontania. During his meeting with his strategist, Galista, he learns about the high density of aer deep in the forest was causing the monsters to become more violent and it was even affecting the blastia they were using. If nothing was done, the city would be in danger. When given the orders to return to the capital for the Great War Anniversary, he declines, saying the town's situation was his main priority right now.

After sending Flynn to be his envoy and request reinforcements, Niren leaves with Chastel to meet with the genius mage Rita Mordio on Galista's suggestion. He went there to learn about any possible solution to the current aer situation. He learns about the aer disturbance was following the river which led to a ruin deep in the forst and also was given a formula to help regulate the aer in their blastia for a limited amount of time. When Niren returned to the town, he discovered a wreckage just outside of the barrier. Something had tried to attack the town, and in the process he learned his entire dog squad had been killed. All that remain was Repede, Lambert's son. He assigns Yuri to take custody of Repede.

That night, Niren finds out who the possible culprit was behind the aer disturbance. It isn't seen, but implied that someone from the guild (possibly Raven) had given him the information, as Niren was seen standing by an open window with a piece of paper in his hand. (This was seen right after Raven had spied on a Royal Guard talking to someone off screen). To make matters worse, Flynn's report after he returned from the Capital brought more bad news. They would not get the reinforcement until after the Great War ceremony, which pushed back plans to investigate the aer situation.

Concerned that the Capital had some interest with what could possibly be a blastia in the ruins and with the current situation of the town, he decides to go on ahead with the plan and investigate the ruins the next day rather than wait. He believed that, if they waited for the reinforcements to come, it would have been too late to save the town.

Although Niren is indeed a Captain from the Imperial Knights, often times he doesn't quite act like one expects. He very much down to earth and seems to fit comfortably with the townspeople of Ceazontania. He's seen having several casual conversations with the townspeople in the movie and they've even given him small gifts of gratitude for all he had done for them. To him, they're still people and the people's problems are also a matter to him. That's why many find him a respectable man who doesn't disregard the issues at hand, even if it's against orders. He knows where his own priorities are, even if the higher ups don't approve of it.

This doesn't mean he completely disregards authority. Most times he'll do his job as requested, and quietly not agree with everything that comes out of the Capital. He decided to send an envoy for the anniversary of the Great War instead of going himself. The town's current situation was of more importance to him than being made to "parade" around in a far off city. He was concern about what was happening right there, in front of him and to save what lives he could. A reason why he had this view could be trace back to when he was still in the Royal Guard. He had a family, and he lost his wife and child long ago when he was unable to save them. If he did, that would have meant he would have to disobey orders. Even up to now, he still wonders if he could have saved them during that time. It's tough to go against authority, but when life mattered, would you choose authority or saving a life?

He carries a lot on his shoulders, but he doesn't let it be a hindrance. It's no surprise how he became somewhat lax as a Knight. He didn't seem to mind being relocated to a small town of Ceazontania, which was pretty much out in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes it shows whenever he speaks with his subordinates. On his visit to the library to see Galista, he yelled out Galista's name. Several times, even though Galista told him to keep his voice down, showing he's either rude or just trying to lighten up the serious atmosphere. When he requested Chastel to join him on a mission, he says without much regard "The bigger one", clear sexual harassment as the girls pointed it out. Niren just doesn't miss a beat, considering he just had a talking with Yuri and Flynn about their bar fight incident and taking their punishment lightly.

Sometimes he can get a little too far with it and almost on purpose. One example was containing information about the blastia going out of control until after the mission had started. Although his reason was that he had forgotten, he may have simply wanted to lighten the tension, fearing the uneasiness could cause them all to trip up. Even so, when it matters he will insure he can and will be there save those that he can, meaning he'll jump into harm's way when he has to.

Character Abilities: Niren is skilled in swordsmanship being a trained knight and a captain. And despite his laid back attitude, he does show good leadership skills.
Possessions: His pipe, a bohdi blastia around his wrist.
Anything else:

Action/Communication thread/post sample:

Hn...I don't recall drinking that much last night to be having a memory lapse. [He sighs, his voice sounding gruff as he grumbles]

I know I said I needed a vacation, but this is a bad time for one. Damn, I need to get back to the others somehow. [He fiddles with the device in his hand] Maybe whatever this thing is will give me some directions--...hn? Voices...?

[He clears his throat] To anybody that can hear this, I am Captain Niren Fedrok of the Niren Corps and I could use a bit of help here. Can someone tell me where I am and direct me in the direction of Ceazontania?

[After a pause, he simply frowns, thinking over what he was doing and shakes his head] This is ridiculous.

Log/Prose sample:

Too wait for reinforcement and put the town at risk? Or to go through with the plan and risk being unable to complete the mission?

Niren pressed a hand over his forehead and leaned back in his seat. He's had to make a lot of decisions in his life, but this was the toughest decision he's had to make in a while. No matter how he looked at it, the possibility of both plans falling through were high. Can't back out of it now, he thought. He had already told his squad they would move out the next day. It goes against what the higher ups wanted, but he didn't care what they thought. They were too far away to understand what was happening here. It's no wonder he wasn't surprise to hear reinforcement wouldn't be coming anytime soon.

He picked up the glass that was sitting on the table and took a drink. A photo of his wife and daughter was sitting on this table as well. What a time to be reminiscing about the past Niren thought as he recalled that day. Ironically enough, this situation felt very similar to that time, except he was the one calling the shots now. Even to this day, he still believed he could have changed their fate that day, if he hadn't follow orders. That time...that time his judgment and morality were put to the test. Life just wasn't the same after that day. It was an eye-opener that day for him, to how insignificant our lives were and at the same time, how precious they were.

He stared down at his glass with a wry smile. A knight's job isn't just to follow orders, it's to protect as many lives as you can. These people, their cries for relief was much louder than what a city miles away wanted.

"Heh. So much for a break. Better enjoy this while I still can," He takes another drink from his glass. He made this decision in order to save this town...but deep down, maybe he was doing this just to ease his own guilt.

!application, !splendorocity

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