So I had a weird evening and an even freakier morning. No rationalist will believe the things under the cut. But I dare you anyway.
Yesterday was a good day in the sense that I saw Tom again for the first time since long. It was a bad day in the sense that we took things a step further than I would have liked. It wasn't as if we did something horribly wrong, I just felt kinda yuck afterwards. Like we crossed a border we shouldn't have. I'll get over it eventually, but last night I was pretty shook up about it.
So in my ponderings after he left, I come up with this idea: I'd make a deal with Isabel that if she would get me the job in Antwerp, I'd behave, come hell or high tide, and finally go after the guy I've been admiring from a distance for too long now, so she can have a good solid family to grow up in with her syblings.
For those of you confused as to the identity of Isabel: it's the name of my first child, that will probably be born somewhere before my 30th, should all go according to plan. This is of course based on my gut instincts and on Ben's predictions, even though the name came from herself to me and not through my sooth-seeing friend.
For the record, I'm not a kid-loving person, you all know that, but this is the way I've felt things for the last couple of months and I'm going with the flow. I'll admit that it's a very sudden change of heart, but I guess sometimes people do change that fast... It took me by surprise, too.
Anyway, all is said and done, I do a little ritual to sort of 'seal the deal' and I go to sleep relaxed and a little more cheerie about my night and my future.
Here's the freaky bit that had me grinning like an idiot all day so far (and probably for the rest of it): I walk to work this morning only to run into the exact same guy I promised Isabel I'd get as her father. He greeted me warmly, with a kiss on the cheek that was meant sincerely and a promise that he would try to make it to my housewarming tomorrow. (No I still won't tell you who he is, don't bother asking.)
*still floats on the feeling*
I haven't seen this guy in weeks and he doesn't live or work near my street. Freaky, but a damn nice way to start your day.
Oh and I have two important interviews next week, one on Wednesday and one on Friday. Wish me luck.