what a random fucking night. and that's about all i can say right now. fuck, i need to watch some laguna and go to bed. gotta get back into "good girl" mode.
i feel like there is so much i'm missing out on. but at the same time, i don't even care to bother; i'm quite happy with what is going on right now. but i really do feel crappy when i see/hear/read things; i feel like i'm missing out on a lot. even though i've trained myself NOT to expect things, i guess you always have a little bit left...
I clicked on some random update for my computer and it ended up taking longer than expected and disabled me from using my computer. My bottom desk drawer was open so I could balance my feet on it; the same drawer where my grade eight yearbook is. I decided that while I was waiting, I would flip through that to kill time. It was interesting to look
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the broken relationships in my life are beginning to take a turn for the good. well, not necessarily "broken" but just not in their best form possible.
what an awesome year, full of learning and true personal growth.
this is the person i am; the person i am proud of (with a couple of flaws).
your much deserved proper update (with pictures and all ;) will come in a couple of days, but i didn't want to miss the opportunity to wish you a VERY HAPPY birthday, with all the best in everything you do. i love ya, kiddo
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hahaha, i figured that line would be relevant to my current situation as my "last call" was a good two months ago; ive been sober since before reading week, girls and boys
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