yeap. after september 1st, there's less of me everywhere :D lolz. I'll still email, and drop by once in a while, but it's supposedly a difficult school year :) sooo, if it isn't, I'll be back.
to aimee: otherwise known as my brother from another mother.... (uh... sister from another mister? ew) you're more than awesome :) you never fail to cheer me up, recommend the best songs, and i love you so much xox so sad I don't have a 'title' in your life ;) tehe. **silver fishie hugs!** (ok... maybe that didn't make sense. lol.)
alica: you really should come back on, you. ;) but making you come back on is probably an act of hyprocrisy, 'cause I'm leaving as well. I hate to see you so unhappy **lots of hugs** love you xox
beckweeeee: will miss chatting with you soo much <33 when we used to talk about guys and you used to give me advice. and i remember bugging you about the fic orphanage, which i'm now abandoning *sad* =( i'm going to start crying, and it's only my third... ;( love you xox
bia:heyo brazilian girl! ;) thanks for translating my fics to portugese ;) and constantly caring about me (earthquake, etc) you're so friendly and modest ;) hope to keep in contact through PM/email! <3
bonnie: lucky you. you proposed and now i'm leaving =/ you still want to get married? :P yeah. anyway it's been brilliant ever since i talked to you on the black magical forum ( i think then it was the blackened ashes forum? lol ) and us hardly ever having a lot of time to talk though =/ love you sweetie xox mwah.
cath: though we don't know each other very well, i love your writing :) and comments on LJ are awesome too *vividly remembers talking about butt hurting and bikes, lol* hope to keep in contact! ;)
cayenne: we're going to be fellow actresses-in-training soon! ;) *ish nervous* anywa i love talking with you about things - guys and drama and won-won ;) lol. you have the youngest and most dramatic clique/love/friend life i've ever known, lol :) hang in there, and see you in the hp theme park! lolz :) *hugs and muchos love*
charli: you just told me you left =/ well i guess i'm following right after, although i've been planning to quite a while. I'm going our rantings to each other every day soo much - I can talk about everything to you :) *winks* the one who always accompanies me on msn while everyone else is sleeping ;P love you, best sister ever <333 and more that words cant' say - and there's not enough space here, anyway :)
crystal: keep up in emailing! ;) uber optimistic lovely gal :) this is you: + this is me trying to be like you: -|- lol. now this is your expression: -_-" haha. (why yes, it is getting late) love the randomness with you: the weather, the sky, and i'm not being very random at the moment am i? by the way, you still owe me some height girl! ;) love ya! xox
cuba: haven't talked to you in the longest time, crazy miss that ;( love how you listen and listen and listen and not die of boredom and exasperation ^^ and listen some more :) promise to keep emailing, k? :) your fics make mine feel stupid ;P haha. yeah, that was supposed to sound like a compliment. love youuu xox
cupid: admire your characterising fics soo much *jealous* and it's been nice talking to you over lj and aim :) hehe. *hugs* good luck getting through college!
ellie: MEI MEI!/singaporean twin/online bff/...i could go on forever ;)/GIRL WITH THE SCARY LONG HAIR/ANIME FREAK (jk xD) i still didn't write your Christmas pressie ;) lol. thanks for everything - like getting your whole fam to help me with math (lolz) and tolerating all my eye rolling ;) stay tight, stick through the asian strictness ;) we'll survive somewhat. lollz. **hugs** LOVE YOU XOX
estella: (see last post, that was for you, lol)
fray!: who's been like an older sister to me all this time ;) i love you fanfics and miss Admonition like crazy =/ and hope we'll talk soon again :) love chatting with you so much and i'm proud to have such an awesomecakey friend ;) love you xox **hugs**
gaby: you never fail to assist me in any sort of incomplete, messy, screwed up fic saving ;) or save it. anwyay. really enjoyed emailing/msning with you about ups and downs and turn arounds :) you're always so positive and helpful and you hardly complain about anything (me, on the other side.. *coughcoughcough*) love you, and hope we stay in contact!
gilly: oh, i'm really going to miss you. i remember at first, our scarily awkward msn chats ^^ hehe. but now theyr'e so much more fun and awesome :) loll. kinda serious sometimes too. ;) that's when the years of painful chinese history studying kick in. hehe. olympic watchers forever <3 love you xox
gray: super smart lovie who actually has the ability to tolerate a not-so-smart anie :) I constantly have to ask you what you're saying, lol, but you're always so patient in answering :D emailing with you = world's best hobby. that is all. :D we should shop online for prom dresses together! ;) hehe. love you xox!
hannah: yay you for being so awesome (overkill of this word =/) anyway :) person who stands to hang out with me on several random threads *friendly shoulder bumps hannah* love you :)
heart: OMG MISS YOU SO MUC! the last thing you ever said to me was: "come online over the weekends, so we can talk" and then BAM you disappeared! >mad< I miss my fellow Chinese mate! ;( love youuuu xox *lotsa hugs*
honda: the first Lestrange, charli's "Car Head", and one of the only that I know that's like me: American :) hehe. I love chatting with you on the RL, that was funnn xD love you xox *hugs*
janet: lol i still remember meeting ya for the first time on msn :) you and ellie scare me with all that hyper and random anime stuff xD hehe. yeah. and how, when ellie was introducing us, she asked me if i were racist :) and iw as like: if i were, i'd be up against myself. xD (okay, she might kill me now....) i'm sorry i didn't write your edward... ;( by the way have you read bd yet? love you! ;) *sudden topic change, lol*
jenna: love you, you nicey-nice person. :) okay that didn't really make sense, did it? :D hehe sorry. ok what i mean is how insanely thoughtful and considerate and friendly you are :) i'm so lucky to have a friend like you *cue toy story music* lol. always reviewing/emailing/caring <3 lovee! *hugs like crazy*
kary: missing you, while you're internetless...and at work. missing your emails, PMs, reviews, etc ;) and constantly cheering notes. keep emailing, love! ;) *hugs*
katy: I love your heartwarming Weasley fics, friendly and helpfulness, and ability to tolerate me and even beta several of my messed up fics so well. *hugs* thanks for everything!
kristy: fellow bball lover! ;0 though you're so much better at it than i am ;P lol I should really work harder ;) gonna miss reading an dcommenting on your LJ entries and everything! love you <333
kyota: sorry I neve r actually completed/posted your challenge's response >< there wasn't enough time. going to miss youuu <3 havent seen you on bm forum for quite a while though... *hugs anyway*
lexie: fondly known to all as the "head cheese" and the one I have to thank for creating such an awesomecakey forum and letting me make so many awesomecakey friends (including you <3) always so nice to me on rl and lj, even when i can't stand myself ;) and giving great advice ^^ love you!
lisa: so-cool-it's-insane friend who actually emails back to me :) hehe. remember how polite we were on MSN? :PP (and less on email, lol) love chatting with you soo much, and let's keep doing it! hehe <33 luv u xx
lola: you're always soooo optimistic and enthusiastic and uber nice to me! ;) and always so flattering to me and my fics. I wish I had your bubbly enthusiasm *steals some* my #1 fan! ;) email me >mwah<
love: didn't have much of a chance to get to know you well, only that you rock at writing, have converted me to ArianaxGellert-ness and to loving Ari, and is sooopah friendly and huggable ;) **hughug** love youu love! ;)
pinky: always the responsible one on the RL, lol ;) telling us off over in the intro thread and such *wink* teachers be proud. LOL. awesome chatting with ya on LJ and hope to stay in contact! *huggles*
rkc: constantly thoughtful&&pretty&&helpful person ^^ remember when we co-wrote Hermione for the Rainbow thing at the RL? :) I hate that I almost never see you online eanymore ;( and you still haven't emailed, lol. *hugs anyway* lovee youuu sooo muchooo~~
rylie: one of my first friends on ff - and I hardly talk to you anymore! it seems like we're on a seesaw - i go on hiatus, then you, and now me again! *sad* I miss our ridiculous yet awesomecakey roleplaying, friendly arguments about several pairings (coughwolfstarcough), and gmailing in the general. take care honey ;)
sadie: who is utter win at remusxtonks (i have to read lone wolf someday) and humour fics ;) and acting, as far as i've seen ;D and updating me on hp movie news >mad at Yates, though resigned and doesnt want to see them movies anymore< *hugs!* gonna miss you!
scv: I still don't know you all too well /ashamed/ but you seem oober coooll :) hats off the queen of youtube! *is duchess in court* I remember our creepily short MSN chats though ;) only like enough time to exchange names and locations, lol... *hugs* hope to know you better~
stella: scary how I don't remember how we met - I think through LJ? ^^ anyway I love youn and reading all your posts (though sometimes I neglect commenting - le gasp, I'm stalkering! jk xD but sometimes I dont know what to say) and you commenting as well :) sorry about never helping in your c2 =/ *hugs and much love*
sush: missing you on ff! gmail chats once a month are definitely not enough (even though we have the same time, but we keep missing each other!) it's fun though, our serious talks about web makings (which never really worked but it was fun planning) and not so serious ones about holidays and thigns (actually taht sounds pretty serious too) best of luck ;) loooveeeee u ;) (yes, that's a different version of the overkill term 'love you') hehe sorry.
turtle: i've only recently begun chatting with you through LJ commenting, sigh ;( and you're awesome person with similar Asian parental dilemmas. I recommend you go to Carnegie class too :) doesn't really help with everything but you can make your parents go as well :D hehe. sigh. we'll get through it either way. email me! ;)
to those I missed: I'm sorry, it's been busy with all the preparations and everything =) tell me though.
and please keep in contact, kay? ;) LOVE YOU ALL XOX <33333
dang I hate this. =/ I'm probably going to be running back by Wednesday, lol.
silver.cxies@gmail.commsn (will be less used):
aim: nirvanalostxx
miss and love you all! ;) will drop by once in a while~~
<3333333 tears
love, anie.
okay, so there was no explanation. I might've said it to some of you, but apparently frosh year's going to be difficult and i'm taking on quite a couple of clubs and activities, honour classes and stress. :) I'm really sorry about all the fic promises I failed to keep, I hate myself for that, really. I hate that I'm leaving (and probably some people are thinking: bitch, stop saying that ^^)
it's been the greatest ten months ;) I'll still drop by on LJ, and you all must email me ;) pretty please?
okay. i'll shut up now. sorry for all the time wasting :)