Townspeople Eaten Since Arrival

May 13, 2011 19:01

2 0 1 0   D I S A P P E A R A N C E S  :  119, 1.5 PC
A P R I L : 3M A Y : 12,   1 P CJ U N E : 12,   0.5 P C
April 13th:

Arrival in Paradisa | thread

April 14th-29th

3 townspeople | eluded to

April 30th

3 townspeople | threadMay 1st-20th:

12 townspeople | eluded to

May 29th:

1 PC | thread
(Joan Harris)
June 2010:

June 5th:

Riful needs to recover | thread

June 6th-13th

12 townspeople | eluded to

June 14th

Attack on Dante Sparda | thread
(no death)J U L Y : 23A U G U S T : 14S E P T E M B E R : 0July 25th:

23 townspeople | thread
(Berserk plot)August 1st-31st:

14 townspeople | eluded toSeptember 1st-30th:

0 townspeople | High School Plot | tagO C T O B E R : 20N O V E M B E R : 32D E C E M B E R : 0October 8th:

20 townspeople | thread | OOC Post

November 7th:

4 townspeople | thread

November 8th:

28 townspeople | thread

December 1st-32st:

0 townspeople | Claymore Loss | OOC Post

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