First version of...
After this day is over.. weekend!! **yeeeyy!!** Got to sleep overtime, have no obligation to go to the office~~ **cough** still have to write a long draft on group presentation for Japanese class next Tuesday and put numbers on speech ballon for 2 more books.. Should I say this is a bit.. though?? **sweatdrop**
Niwae.. holiday is a good thing!! Holiday banzaaaaiii!!! ♡♡♡
.. maybe I'm going to finish my reading on 'Sonnan ja nee yo!' (got a a lil' bit irritated because the newest volume 8 I ordered haven't yet to arrive sooner **aarrgghh.. it's been over one month already for god's sake**) and 'Kimi wa Pet'.. as well as GanGan, Gfan.. euh.. basically, everything I had on top of my desk... **not to mention the lots of file you haven't checked out just yet, y' know** **sheeesh~~ that's supposed to be saved for later!!**
Whatever~~ Happy weekend, folks ^_^
And on to the second version of...
っと、、んまあ、、せっかくだから、他の書き物でも読もうかなあ、、まだ色々あるしなあ、、’そんなんじゃねえ!’とか (むかつくっすよ!もう一ヶ月ほど経ってるのに、注文した最新の単行本はまだ目に入らないだったとはなあ、、)、あとは、、'きみはペット’、、と、まあ、、ガンガンもGファンタージも、、大体、机の上に散らかしていたものの全部!!(汗)んとお、、パソコンに置いていたファイルスも片付けなきゃ、、でないと、メモリーは時期に(すぐというはなし)呆れてしまうんだなあ、、
そんでもって、週末、たっぷり楽しんでといて~~ ^_^