Okay, I'm gonna fanning over this again... **giggles**
As I thought, 2nd season CD bangaihen are rather serious than the previous season, tho I personally think that they merely changed their focus, from Ryuuki's silliness (that's nearly OOC) into Seiran's blackness and Reishin's craziness. I have hurt my cheek's muscles from grinning like mad.. not to mention that I've laughed shamelessly loud in the middle of the night ***blush***
The CD cover illustration~
O-niai ja arimase~n? **laughs** Indeed, anime gives strong hint of this pairing ^^;; (not that I mind)
First track :「奔流の愛~邵可と黎深と悠舜~」 Honryuu no Ai ~Shouka, Reishin, and Yuushun~
Ryuuki bluntly said that he loves Shuurei. Shuuei asked why he’d say that out of the blue. Ryuuki stared at Kouyuu, said that he had heard rumour that a certain someone is bringing up marriage proposal for Shuurei. Kouyuu choked. He yelled, asking who’s had brought such a rumour. Ryuuki replied that it was Shou-taishi. Ryuuki confronted Kouyuu whether or not the rumour is true. Kouyuu was having difficulty answering this. Ryuuki brought up what Kouyuu always said that he hates woman. Shuuei remarked that people might change. Ryuuki continues, saying that Kouyuu should know how much he loved Shuurei. Kouyuu replied that it’s not something he had wished for. Shuuei said that it would meant Kouyuu has expressed his disagreement to the marriage proposal, which then Kouyuu (again) had difficulty to affirm.
Reishin (again) talked stupid things (to make it short, fanning over Shuurei). He made his own interpretation of Shuurei’s name (shu - s(h)uteki de / u - ukiuki shite / re - Reishin-ojisama ga daisuki de / i - itsudemo watashi no mune ni tobikonde oide ^^;; ) Shouka said he’s glad that Reishin think that much of his daughter. Reishin replied that he loves Shouka as much as his love for Shuurei ^^;; Shouka, then, offered some tea. Reishin talked about the marriage proposal that Kurou had brought for Shuurei and Kouyuu. He was angry that Shouka didn’t stop Kurou, as he didn’t like the idea of Shuurei ever getting married to someone. Shouka mentioned that if Shuurei does marry Kouyuu, it means that Shuurei will be Reishin’s daughter in law (which Reishin responds to the word ‘daughter’). Reishin liked the idea of having his niece as his daughter, and start to imagine that Shuurei would call him ‘tousama’ (father) ^^;;
Reishin : I’m home, Shuurei.
Shuurei : Welcome home, Tou-sama.. I have prepared your bath.. or would you like to eat first? Or maybe.. kyaa~~
Reishin : Come! Come into my arms!! Oh, my daughter in law!!
(see!? What Reishin had imagined is that of newlyweds **rolling and dies laughing**)
Shouka commented that Reishin’s imagination went to a completely wrong direction. Shouka said that Reishin would prefer Kouyuu to be Shuurei’s marriage partner rather than Ryuuki, to which Reishin affirmed. No matter what, he thinks that Kouyuu is a better choice since that would make him to be Shuurei’s father in law.. but then he continued that would not be good. Reishin wouldn’t want Shuurei to marry anyone ^^;; Shouka replied that it’s up to Shuurei and not for Reishin to decide. Shouka continued that if that’s what Shuurei wants, he would go along with that. Reishin kept object to the idea. Shouka reminded him that it’s inevitable that someday, Shuurei would get married. When that time comes, he would feel lonely, because it would left only him and Seiran in the house (to which Shouka commented that their talk might not progress smoothly..) Reishin recalled the event when Shuurei was still a little child.
This is a cute scene ^^ Reishin played with Shuurei. She’s happy, and said that she loved uncle (ojisama daaaisuki) **she even said that twice** Little Shuurei said that she wants to be uncle’s bride when she has grown. Reishin happily said that he would looking forward to the day, and then they made a promise (yubikiri).
Reishin said that he still remember the sensation lingering in his finger ^^;; (Shouka’s comment is funny) Shouka said that Reishin shouldn’t forge events for his own convenience. Shuurei never said anything about that kind of promise. Reishin said that he clearly remember that event. Shouka firmly said that the event Reishin talked about never existed. Reishin grunted that Shouka should let him think of happy memories he had with Shuurei, since he (still) can’t tell her that he’s her uncle. The remark he said that follows makes him sounds like a stalker (watching Shuurei’s sleeping from the crack on the wall, creeping in the pond just to take a look at her etc.. **laughs and dies**). Reishin then continues that half of it was a joke **sweatdrop** (to which Shouka responds that he feels at ease), since he (Reishin)’s a man of common sense and logic (Shouka : common sense, is it?).
Yuushun came to see Shouka. He wants to borrow some documents. When he saw Reishin and Shouka, he told them that he won’t disturb them and will come again. Reishin asked Yuushun to sit with them, so he’d listen how much Reishin loves Shuurei (to which Yuushun responds that he’d better come another time, however Reishin forced him to have a seat).
Reishin shows marvellous items to his two listener ^^;; It’s 2 new masks that he has made for Houju (and will bring them to him later on). Shouka commented that one of the mask has a smile he had never seen before. Yuushun commented that when Houju saw the mask, he would cry happily (just like the expression on the mask) ^^;; Reishin then continuing, talking about his love for Shuurei..
Back to Ryuuki, Kouyuu, and Shuuei. Ryuuki confronted Kouyuu whether or not he had clearly rejected the marriage proposal. Kouyuu replied that as for now, he couldn’t think about him being engaged to Shuurei (Ryuuki : for now!?). Shuuei said that it means there are chances (that Kouyuu would think about it). Seiran joins the group. Ryuuki tells Seiran that Kouyuu is being mean and has betrayed him ^^;;
Seiran : Ooh? A traitor? Then, let’s cut him off **unsheathe his sword**
Ryuuki : ..no.. no need to go to that extent…
Seiran sheathed his sword, questioning what has been going on. Ryuuki told him that Kouyuu is going to take Shuurei as his bride.
Seiran : As I thought, let’s cut him off! **unsheathe his sword**
Kouyuu : Wait!! Listen to what I have to say!! I’ll explain this properly!
Seiran : Let’s hear you.
Kouyuu : Please, don’t point out your sword like that!
Reishin has just finished telling his 56th memories he had with Shuurei.
Shouka : I’m glad you thought that much of my daughter..
Yuushun : I have the feeling that I have listened to this before.. Well, then, I have work to do..
Reishin : Wait. Next, I'll tell you my 57th memories of Shuurei.. It was when Shuurei was 3 years and 21 days old..
Yuushun : ..Shouka-dono.. how long will this talk continue?
Shouka : I have no idea. Yuushun-dono, your timing (of coming here) is bad.
Reishin talks about Shuurei’s remembering words and the first time Shuurei called him ‘uncle’.
Yuushun : Is this one of Reishin’s make up stories? His imagination?
Shouka : No. This one is real, one of his limited (very few) memories with Shuurei.
Yuushun : I see..
Reishin : Ee.. now, I will continue to the 58th…
In other place, Kouyuu has finished telling his side of story.
Kouyuu : ..and that’s it.
Seiran : I see. I understand.
Kouyuu : **fyuuh** You do? **relief**
Seiran : It’s all your fault.
Ryuuki : That’s right.
Seiran : I’ll make you the rust of my sword.
Kouyuu : Why!!? Why it has to be like this!? Like I told you, Kurou-sama has..
Seiran : It’s pathetic to make excuses. Regardless of the reason, if only you firmly object (about the marriage proposal with Ojou-sama), His Majesty wouldn’t be grieving like this. You should contemplate.
Ryuuki : Right!! Contemplate!!
Seiran : ‘I’m wrong’, ‘I’m sorry’, repeat that a hundredth times.
Kouyuu : Urk..
Seiran : Come on, say it. ‘I’m wrong’. ‘It’s all my fault’. ‘I’m a trash’. ‘I’m a short-tempered trash, directionally blind, and beyond any help’.
Kouyuu : Wait a minute! Aren’t you mixing things up, when in fact you’re just talking ill about me!?
Seiran : I wouldn’t.
Ryuuki : You must be imagining things.
Shuuei : What a detestable brothers..
Kouyuu : Aarrgh!! Goddamnit!! You’ll just remember this!! **runs away**
Ryuuki : Ah!! Kouyuu!!
Seiran : He escapes..
Shuuei : Obviously he will escape. I’d better retreat before they shift their attention to me..
Back to Reishin, Shouka, and Yuushun..
Reishin : ..and then.. and then.. Shuurei showed me her smile.. What a good story… Now, 711th memories of Shuurei..
Yuushun : ..tired..
Shouka : I’m tired…
They saw the mask that Reishin made for Houju, and have the idea of using the masks to escape from their obligation to listen to Reishin’s never ending stories…
Back to Ryuuki and Seiran. Ryuuki asked where Shuuei is, and Seiran replies that Shuuei has secretly sneaked out of the room. In regard to Shuurei’s marriage proposal, Seiran offered to tell Ryuuki old stories. Ryuuki is happy to listen, since it’s about Shuurei.
Seiran : Long long time ago, when Ojou-sama was still a child..
Ryuuki : **excited**
Little Shuurei : Seira~~nn
Seiran : Ojou-sama!
Little Shuurei : Hey, Seiran. When I’ve grown up, I’ll be your bride. I’ll definitely be your bride!! **giggles**
Seiran : **laughs**
Seiran : **laughs** What do you think? It’s an interesting story, right? **laughs**
Ryuuki : Which part of it that’s interesting!? That’s a lie! You must have been made it up! Right!? Say that I’m right!!
Seiran : Well.. I wonder about it. I know very well of Ojou-sama’s childhood. Your Majesty.. you didn’t know Ojou-sama’s childhood.. did you? You didn’t know what she looks like in the past. What makes you think that I made up that story? **laughs**
Ryuuki : **gritting teeth**
Seiran : Aah.. I want to show you, the memories I had of Ojou-sama that you don’t have any knowledge about.. plenty.. plenty of it.. That one, this one.. ahh.. Ojou-sama even did that… Ah.. you should not, Ojou-sama.. ah, I told you no.. ah, it’s tickling.. **laughs** this is my revenge.. eiiits~
Ryuuki : ..Seiran!! Don’t go enjoying the so-called old memories by yourself!! It’s unfair!! Share some of them to me!!
Seiran : No.
Ryuuki : Uuuhhh!! Seiran is being mean!!
Seiran : **evil laugh**
Return to Reishin, Shouka, and Yuushun.. Reishin is still telling them his memories of Shuurei..
Reishin : ..and then Shuurei said ‘uncle’s hand is warm’ **giggles**
Shuurei : Tou-sama? Are you here?
Reishin : Shuurei!!? This is bad… **runs away**
Shuurei : Tou-sama? Kou-shoushou..?! Ah, no.. Tou-sama and Yuushun-san.. right? ..perhaps..
Both of them seemed to be sleeping wearing the masks that Reishin has made ^^;; Shuurei wondered what had happened..
Second track :「秀麗と劉輝~あなたに会えてよかった~」 Shuurei to Ryuuki ~Anata ni Aete Yokatta~
The second track is Ryuuki and Shuurei’s contemplation on their past. Ryuuki starts from his days where he was abused by his half-brothers and his memories of Seien. Shuurei starts from what she wants from the emperor (to do his job properly) and Shou-taishi gave her the offer. Shuurei is reminiscing their encounter under the sakura tree as ‘encountering a handsome man’. It’s covering the events they have been gone through, narrated from Shuurei and Ryuuki’s POVs (just think of eps 36 of the anime ^^;; ) Obviously, the part that I like best is when both of them said ‘I’m glad that I’ve met you, from the bottom of my heart’…
Ryuuki : …I’ll try to be an emperor that everyone acknowledges. When that time comes, I want Shuurei to be by my side..
Shuurei : …when Ryuuki has become an excellent emperor.. When that time comes, I will…
My favourite parts here are Reishin and Seiran~ The part when Reishin imitated little Shuurei’s voice is soooooo funny (I like Madono-san when he did this kind of thing.. similar to his voice as Kon in BLEACH ^^;; ) In the cast comment, Kuwashima-san, Seki-san, and Morikawa-san mentioned that in the CD, the listener can get enough of Reishin’s hentai-ness ^^;; Hiyama-san mentioned about his character, that after Kouyuu ran away from Seiran and Ryuuki, he must have been lost ^^;; Huwaaa~~~ listening to the drama’s cast comment is really fun ^__^ ...okay, I'll stop fanning over this before I get too far...
And the third track is Shuurei and Ryuuki's duet song. The song had oriental-ish instrumental, a nice song.. On top of that, the lyric is **somehow** giving impression that both Shuurei and Ryuuki had a silent promise about.. something **giggles**
The romanization of the lyric...
Haruka na Sora
桑島法子(紅秀麗)& 関智一(紫劉輝)
Kuwashima Houko (Kou Shuurei) and Seki Tomokazu (Shi Ryuuki)
Tooi hi ni mita yume wo kanaeru tabi ni
Yorokobi ga ashita e tsunagaru
Kaze wo egaku
Komorebi no naka ni yureta ki ga shita
Taisetsu na kagayaku egao ga
Fukinukeru kaze anata wo kanjiru
Asu e no yume wo egaite iru kokoro wo
Haruka na sora ga futari wo musunderu
Miagereba onaji iro ni somerare
Tashika na omoi hajitaku wa nai kara
踏みしめている それぞれの場所を今
Fumishite iru sorezore no basho wo ima
届けたい幸福が この手にあれば
Todoketai shiawase ga kono te ni areba
Mayoi sae megumi e kaeyuku
Yasashii ame
Nagareteru kumo de kasunda tsuki ni
Tsuyogari na hitomi ga kasanaru
振り出した雨 貴女を包もう
Furidashita ame anata wo tsutsumou
Megumi wo ukete mebuite iru kotae de
Haruka na sora ga futari wo terashiteru
Ki ga tsukeba niteru keshiki idaite
Dare no moto e mo yasuragi todoku you ni
願い続ける 互いの場所で今
Negai tsuzukeru tagai no basho de ima
Haruka na sora ga futari wo musunderu
Miagereba onaji iro ni somerare
Tashika na omoi hajitaku wa nai kara
踏みしめている それぞれの場所を今
Fumishimete iru sore zore no basho wo ima
That's it for today...
Come to think of it, I've never make any non-Kokumono entry since last month.. Maybe it's time to make one.. ^^;;;