So, after a few requests, I decided to upload the McLoughans (before Ada and Ryuu are 5 feet under).
DownloadCC List Ryuu
DownloadCC List Coraline
DownloadCC List Elcie
DownloadCC List Akira
DownloadCC List Yuki
DownloadCC List Satoru
DownloadCC List Miru
DownloadCC List Sanya
Download Donnie
Download Aries
Download Aries really isn't mine to share, though; I acquired her from
Download --
Please enjoy them, and give them some TLC. ;)
And please, if there's ever a problem with the download files, please let me know, and I'll try to fix it right away.
I'm not important enough to have a Terms Of Use, but I'll say this anyways; You can pretty much do anything you want with them, just don't claim as your own. If you use them anywhere and/or take pictures, I'd like to see! :]